Where there's fear, there's your task

Home will be a challenge but it’s time? I’m discharging from a rehabilitation program. I’m concerned I’m not mentally, physically, or spiritually ready.


Hi ,Why are you feeling afraid to go home are you ok :palm_up_hand:

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Home is where all my trauma is from


Is it safe at home ?do you have a place you can chill there ? Is it better than where you are right now .? …There’s plenty of people here who can help give some advice and be there for you if you need it ,im sending my blessings and if you want to talk you can


You sound a bit scared of coming back to the world out there and that’s ok … being mentally, spiritually and emotionally ready is something we’re all working on everyday no matter where we are ,I’ve never been to rehab but theirs plenty of people on here who will know exactly how your feeling right now and will be able to offer more support. . I’m very newly sober and I’m fuckin petrified of my traumas and having to visit them but all I can do is live in the day,keep to my sober routine and face my fears as they come to me … I don’t know anything about you obviously but you sound like you’ve come a long way getting through rehab this is your next chapter …feel the fear and keep going :pray:t2:


Your response helped me get through yesterday :pray: thank you. I wish you courage through your journey.


I’m glad :blush:… but it’s you that’s doing it , we just need helping hands sometime s . Stick with ts like I’m gonna do ,hold on to your recovery I’ll hold on to mine an we all do it together.just keep talking and facing things as they come …we got this girl :muscle::facepunch:


Hi @GGCA23 how are you today :palm_up_hand:

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I am doing well. How about yourself?

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Yeah I’m doing good ,got my one week af today and in two days I’ll have my one week from cannabis to … never had both before so well happy