Where/what did you get fired from?

I just got fired, again. This is nothing new to me. I’ve been fired from many, many jobs. And I’ve become good at getting new jobs quick without the depression period that I used to experience after losing a job.

But I thought I’d make light of the situation and ask if anyone has any funny stories…??

First time I got fired was 2011, I was working at Savers (value village) and it was because I tried to buy 3 x original nintendos stuffed into a backpack, using a price sticker off a $20 book, and also use the staff discount :joy::joy:.

Manager saw me on camera trying to buy this bulky backpack on my lunch break and she was there at the counter before I could pay and leave. That was my last lunch break there.

Anyone else?


Thats a funny story. I dont think ill be able to top that one lol I have been fired/quit from many, many jobs (more so in my younger years). When i was 16 years of age i lost 12 jobs within that year. Everything from making pizza, to gas station attendant, to coffee barista, to fast food server lol then as i got older i managed to hold down jobs a bit better but still got fired or quit, mainly waitressing jobs. Took up “self employment” for quite some time and then managed to do full time work along side of that. Thankfully i let go of my “side career” 8 years or so ago. That was a plus lol but ya i really struggled holding down work for the longest time. I am so sorry about ur last job tho :frowning: hopefully something else comes up for u soon :pray:


“You’re not scary you pussy”


I think I already have a job lined up. I am going to meet the bloke tonight.


I had this really cool job at a world famous radio station, I was 21. One night, went to a co-workers party, got in a fight and lost. Went home, GF at the time picked a fight with me, also lost. Cops came, got arrested for DVA, went to jail for 3 days. Missed 2 days of work, no call/no show, and one day was a pretty important gig. Got out of jail, had no where to go, so I went to the radio station, hung out with the over night DJ then crashed in the company car.

When I came back to work, the GM called me in his office and said they had video of me sleeping in the car when I was supposed to be at work. He fired me.

That sucked. Also sucked going to jail. Sucked even more being charged with DVA.

Ended up found not guilty by jury trial. I guess that’s the only positive thing that came from that whole chapter of my life.


That’s a good one

Ive only been fired once. When I was about 19 I worked for a company installing house alarms. I was constantly out partying all night at that point and the owner was already getting sick of my shit. Anyways we used to work in some really nice houses and I was running wire up in the attic and missed one of the beams and I stepped right through the ceiling work boot and all right up to my knee. The homeowners were pissed. Needless to say that was my last day. :grimacing:


I have started a job, did a few days, got paid, then went on a 3 weeks bender, not answering any calls, completely abandoned the job, only to come down, sober off and call back and beg for my job - to be told

“How youve made it this far in life, doing business the way you have, is a mystery to me”


I got fired from a tanning salon. :roll_eyes:


Just casually or something juicy to go with it?

I got fired from a hotel in the city as a maintenance guy. I used to smoke ciggies on the roof and look at the city. They said I didn’t fit in with the companies values and image.

It was true.

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For the first time in my life, I was fired from my job at the age of 56, after putting in 18 years with the company. It was a chemical manufacturing plant, and I was a warehouseman. Cut a long story short I was way overworked and burned out. I approached management numerous times with my concerns and they just didn’t give a crap. My unhappiness took its toll on my job performance and I was having too many accidents. You’re only allowed so many before they hand you your walking papers. So much for my retirement.


What kind of accidents Willy?

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Let’s see…a couple of them involved hitting something with the forklift, and there were a couple of incidents with my truck where i backed into something. Quick disclaimer here: I was 100% sober each time. Just got really distracted I guess, not to mention I was under a lot of physical and mental fatigue. It was a bad year. The good thing is that there were no other people involved, and no injuries.

Sorry my story isn’t very funny. :man_shrugging:t3:


Just idiocy. Apparently clients complained about my music choices. Who knew that Sade was so controversial. :joy:

I also wasn’t very good at convincing people to buy $35 bottles of lotion.

I didn’t lose a moment of sleep.


I’ve destroyed a few things at work I maybe should have been disciplined for too. Accidents genuinely do happen.

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