Where's your serenity spot?

Number 2 spot, where I tent out for a week every summer


Iā€™m too lazy to dig up pics right now, but the top of any mountain is my spot.


spot #3, where I spend most of my free beach time


on my road


My land and house


I donā€™t blame you! I have more but now Iā€™m too lazy to put any more up haha

Now when you return there you better check in with us occasionally. And share some pictures


I knew they would look familiar! I didnā€™t have a chance to find pictures from the restaurant or Sewall but Iā€™ve got them somewhere lol

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I bet the Appalachian trail was beautiful. I would love to see the Adirondacks - I drove to Ithaca from Indiana, so maybe I was driving through them then? I also drove to Vermont from Kentucky, so maybe then? Not sure if I was in the Adirondacks, but it sure was beautiful.

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Where is that? The dock one with your son. Or any of them for that matter!

All taken in Maine, itā€™s certainly a beautiful place to live!

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Oh, I used to dream of going to Maine. (When I was reading a lot of Stephen King :slight_smile: )

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It should def be on the bucket list, but make sure itā€™s summer time! Winter time is pretty but itā€™s not the happening place to be lol

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where is this?! :heart_eyes:

NW Corner of Glacier Park by Kintle Lake in Montana


Thatā€™s awesome, I used to bus tables and wash dishes at Jesseā€™s restaurant as a kid when I wasnā€™t exploring outside! But It was way too far from my house about an hour and a half away to drive there to work everyday as I got to be of legal working age. I always said if I ever got married it would either be there or in another country on the beach somewhere. Thatā€™s some pretty stiff competition but I do super love it there!

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Thatā€™s beautiful!

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Either the Ocean :sparkling_heart: or my bedroom lol. This is the view from my balcony. We just fixed the deck so I started decorating it.
And my bedroom is all colorful and cozy with a huge bed so all my pets fit in there :grin::grin::grin:


Wauwie!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: