Who motivates you?

Likewise, brother! Thank you!


Many people here motivate me! Coming on here everyday and seeing you all work to get better has been a huge motivator this time around. You all are a great support system.

I also motivate myself. Life is brief. I cannot make the most of it, cannot be my best for myself and those I love, if I am drinking. I could have 50 more years left on this earth, but I could also be gone tomorrow. You never know. No matter, I choose to not waste a moment more of my time on alcohol. I strive to be the best that I can, and alcohol is not a part of that picture.


Myself. This battle is all about me, making a new life for that girl I abandoned all those yearā€™s ago. All the terrible, stupid relationships I got into. All the people I let walk all over me. Megan is NOT a pushover! Megan is strong! Megan lives her best life!

The people here and my other sober support groups. Those people who have substance problems that give me a massive high five when I casually throw out there that Iā€™ve been clean for 17 months. Iā€™m like @anon34614660, Iā€™m not quiet about my sobriety.


Me! You may think I am a narsisist, but I motivate myself and this forum is my safe hangout. I learn a lot about the similarities of the challenges we have and I gain strength from all of you. Thank you!


Thank you :kissing_heart: glad I can inspire others, it really gives me a lift in my journey :hugs:


This actually hits remarkably close to home for me and gave me shivers. Thanks for articulating :two_hearts:


This Forum and the amazing contributors. @MoCatt @anon30771928 @anon34614660 @Yoda-Stevie @anon46927530 @TMAC to contribute to @Dejavuā€™s list.

My health and family :heart:ļø


People who motivated me, the many many people on this forum, my sobriety coach, the people in the local dry house who I do abstinent meetings with, people at my smart meetings


Many people on this app motivate me and a lot on Instagram too. I havenā€™t seen one person whose life became worse after quitting a drug :muscle:


My HP motivates me, and it manifests through self-discipline.

I was once a warrior. A creature of self-discipline. Then in a moment of grief, turned to the bottle for solace, rather than my HP. For the next twenty years, that disciplined individual eroded under a constant drip of beer, wine, bourbon and vodka.

I tried to muster the self-discipline on my own, and I found after a time, my strength and resolve would fail. I would turn to the bottle for solace, false relief and comfortable lies.

And when I had had enough, I turned to my HP, and prayed for that self-discipline I once hadā€¦and my HP answered.

My HP gives me gentle nudges and hard kicks in the ass all in the right proportions to keep me moving down the path. Maybe itā€™s an internal dialog in my mind. Maybe itā€™s a word from a friend or loved one. Maybe itā€™s a well-timed thread or comment here. Many voices, one source.

Peace is found in self-discipline.


I motivate me now. Iā€™m going to bed early and getting up at 5am every morning. I love morningsšŸ˜€

My wife motivates me. Everytime when Iā€™ve got a weak moment, she tells me to stay strong!

I was worried about sounding narcissistic saying this before reading previous posts. But, me, surprisingly, despite my self-perception issues. Just looking back and seeing what Iā€™ve gone through and survived and the perseverance I exercised makes me realize how much stronger I am than I usually assume, and realize Iā€™m worth fighting for sobriety for.

Like many of the other answers here, everyone else I see fighting every day, and getting up every time theyā€™re knocked down. On this forum and elsewhere.

Definitely my HP like @Yoda-Stevie was talking about.