Why am I always bored

When will my brain find anything fun again

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Well you get to choose that my dude.


I have the same feeling, nothing inspires my brain any more, everything seems to be just “meh”.
I guess we have to re-calibrate our brains regarding amusements. We have to learn to live in the moment, like kids do. I don’t know, how much time does it take, but sooner or later we will get there.


You have to retrain it. It takes time but you will find a stable, healthy level of fun.


Yep im feeling the same! Nothing stimulating and i feel bored at work because im under challenged.

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I remember my mum telling me that people who find themselves bored all the time are not very intelligent. Whilst I’m not casting aspersions on your intelligence, don’t you think that perhaps you need to get out there and find life.
I mean what kind of question is " when will my brain find anything fun again?"
@Dscot546 you have 21mins read time in almost two months of being here.
Have you read around? Do you know tha sorts of things that could happen.
For years you’ve been drowning your brain with toxic chemicals, it’s gonna take a bit of time to find what is normal.
But even then, you have to find it. No good saying things like “when am I going to have fun again?”
That lies with you.
That’s saying that you are missing your previous life, this could lead to talking yourself into a relapse if your not careful


15197 damn I’m not very intelligent then :joy::joy:


I think it’s normal to have this emptiness where our addictions used to be. I mean we didn’t deal with a significant part of our lives so long, it’s natural to have a gap there. Also I guess many of us are quite depressed in early sobriety, and if you are depressed you can’t seem to find any pleasure in life.


Hahaha. It’s was one of those sayings she used to say when as a kid I’d turn round and say I was bored.
Obviously a little suspect now under our new system of not upsetting people but the sentiment is there.
We find our own excitement.


It is normal bro. But even through those days where I’m feeling depressed and not doing anything. That’s where I get to decide, I can decide to lay around and mope about it. Or get my ass up and still try, I have alot of days where I’m depressed af, I still make sure I’ll hit up a mountain, or go for a jog, and making sure I hit the gym every day. Even on the bad days.


I totally agree. Hence why I say, have you read around.
This is something I found out very early in my journey so accepted that it would happen and that one day it would change. Which it did.
But I had to get out there and fill that space it’s didn’t just come to me.


Solid words bro! :facepunch:


Yeah, but they didn’t write they don’t do anything, don’t go out, don’t try to enjoy themselves. They just don’t find anything fun.

I am bored at work too, because the marketplace for my company’s core offering has contracted so much during COVID-19, and I am having to sell odds and ends to make any kind of numbers. My income has been halved compared to this time last year.

I am trying to cram 2 hours of work into an 8 hour day…

On the other hand, I now have the time to go a bit longer in my morning workouts. I’m saving a ton on gas, tolls, parking, and dry cleaning. I read more. I help my daughter with her school work when she needs it, as she’s home too. My wife (who works insane hours) is thankful that the laundry is done, dishes are cleaned and put away, errands like groceries vet appointments, doctors appointments, etc, are something she doesn’t have to worry about…

I can go to our land and swing an axe or pull a saw for a couple of days, or go to Krav Maga and Muay Thai class if I want to be challenged. I can listen to a podcast or dive into history books or documentaries to stimulate my mind. I can nap with a purring cat on my lap to quiet my spirit

A big turnabout from the days where I was frequently on business travel, working long hours for the big paycheck…and drunk or passed out when home, overweight, high blood pressure.

My point is, I don’t need “excitement” or stress to have a full life. My life is pretty full now, albeit with things some might call mundane. I am content with this season of life, not bored by it. Lastly, I am better…because I am sober. I choose to be this way.


Make it fun.dude I was a get home 18 pack a day drunk. Never lifted a weight in my life, never hiked a mountajn, never rode a bike. Never did shit but curl beer cans. When I got sober, I had no idea what I liked or what I should do. I certainly never thought I’d find doing any of what I’m doing fun, but I made it fun, I made it a routine. And now I can’t get enough of it. If we lay around hating everything bc it doesn’t sound fun, or not something we think we’re interested in. We will be depressed and make exuses for everything


I guess we are on the same page, I just wanted to highlight, that in the early days there is a period, when you do things deliberately to keep yourself busy, but still doesn’t find pleasure in it. Either because you are depressed, either because it takes time to re-calibrate your brain and enjoy things again after a long addiction. Maybe @Dscot546 is in this period. I am. The solution is what you and @anon12657779 wrote. The original question was asking, when will the tipping point come, when it’s not a deliberate attempt, but an enjoyment itself.


This depends on the person. How quickly one accepts everything and moves on.

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Over the first six months I’d say, there were days when I would wake up and say “nope not today” and go back to bed. I felt empty and void! Literally. I got into financial difficulty because for that period of time I think I didn’t work a full week. I just listened to my body. Some may say I was being lazy, but the way I saw it, why risk harming my sobriety for the sake of money. After all, I’m not spending upwards of £400 on booze a month.
Having read about all the things that could happen to me I just put everything down to recovery and went with the flow, didn’t fight anything, didn’t worry about anything knowing that whatever would happen would happen when it was the right time for it to happen. I put my life in the hand of the universe, my higher power.


Amazing. I work with sick people and ive had to learn not take on their troubles aswell as my own. I take things to heart that shouldn’t effect me at all. So i still care for them but im slowly learning tp detach more and leave it at work. Ive got enough of my own issues hahaha


And you know that definitely makes sense. At the beginning, I was going on 30.40 mile bike rides just because it took me at least 4 hours and kept me safe. Now I don’t really ride my bike as much, something in my body shifted I listened and took up lifting weights. Occasionally I’ll take my bike and go do a bike/hike because I need it. You are right, I was deliberately doing that to keep myself Safe and I’m not sure if I ever enjoyed it. I still hate my job, I’m bored here all day. Some days just suck. That’s life, I kind of forget some of this shit. I still get bored now, but as Geo said I accept things now, I accept being bored some days and coming home and taking a nap, just sitting in my bed listening to music, idk I find peace in boredom sometimes. Maybe @Dscot546 should try some a.a meetings and get some pointers, listening to other sober ppl in person can help with that boredom.