Why am i such a loser

Why? I dont know but i would like to know.

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U are not loser trust me

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Only you can answer that question. You see, if you dont know why you are a “loser”, then how do you know that you are, in fact, a “loser”? What is your definition of “loser”? If it doesn’t match our definition, are you still a “loser”?

You get to define who and what you are for your own classification. Anyone else’s opinion of you is none of your business and only impacts you if you allow it to.

This is not meant to be harsh, but rather empowering if you allow it to be. Define what loser means for you, then honestly look at what you are doing in your life and why that you think fits the ‘why’. Once you do that, try to figure out how you can change those things one at a time.

Will it be easy? Probably not and it might take a while, but you have that power. I don’t know you, but I know you are worth the effort. You aren’t a “loser”, I don’t see anyone that way, but rather a spark of potential waiting to happen.

Its just up to you to light the match.


If you want to improve your self perception seek and take advantage of opportunities that will help you combat that thinking.

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Thank you all for taking the time to read and reply. I am really depressed right now and coming back here to read replies is the only thing that has helped today.

I am fighting an internal battle right now. Life choices/regrets are really getting me right now.


Thank you for taking the time, i guess i feel like a loser because of my life choices. I used to have a drive an ambition. An example is my job, while i have a great job, i need to move one and when i look up jobs and the descriptions, my first thought is,“i am not doing that” .

I have a bubble that j wrapped myself in.

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You are not your choices, regrets don’t have to define you. You can start making different choices from this minute!
Certainly work does not define worth. You decide what is important in your life. Climbing a corporate ladder higher doesn’t make you more valuable inately. Ask yourself what is really important to you.


That doesn’t make you a loser. We are often less picky about what jobs we take when we’re younger. However it is good for you to pinpoint this thing. What kind of job do you want? Instead of just looking up jobs on a job website, decide what you want to do, then figure out how you get there. Maybe you contact the companies directly or maybe you take a different job to get an ‘in’ and move to there.

Lack of ambition could be related to something medically or if you are taking any medicine. Some psyche drugs can help with depression and anxiety but lower ambition. We are complex creatures and yet so simple.

Good luck.

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Turn it around

Why am I such a loser? Depression talking, it Happens we all have that struggle

What are you gonna do about it? Therapy medication holistic approaches

Then you can ask why am I such a winner?