Why can't I make myself call my NA Sponsor?

I have been working the NA program for about a month and a half in South Dakota and I’ve white knuckled so many situations in my last 156 days that it shocks me that I haven’t relapsed yet. I’ve had my sponsors number dialed into my phone hundreds of times but can never make myself hit the call button and its bugging me. I just don’t know why I cannot make myself utilize the resources for help that I have around me more than I am. How has anyone else gotten over the hump of my dilemma?

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I’m an AA but had the same reservation. No idea why. Guess I thought I’d be bugging him.

One day I just did it and gave him a call. Remember your sponsor is there for a reason. And being there for you is a lift for their recovery, too. :+1: You could be doing them a solid by calling.


ive had that hurdle too. the phone can seem pretty heavy at times. i got over the hurdle by hitting the call button. i know that fear of calling, and if you make the call itll ease up. phoning a sponsor or a friend in the program is super helpful, i strongly encourage you to just go for it. id love to hear how the experience of the dreaded first call goes!

someone at a table said “a lot of the things i want are hidden behind things i dont want to do” what i take from that is i gotta put myself out there and do the work to get the benefits of the program. make the call friend! :slight_smile:


I suspect many of us fear being a burden…but that fear is what caused us to bottle things up leading us to use/drink. So holding onto it all is the last thing we should do. They say the only way to recover is to get out of our comfort zone…so call that sponsor!!! You won’t be a burden. S/he has offered to be your sponsor BECAUSE s/he wants you to call!!!


Asking for help. We think it’s a sign of weakness.

The truth is, it takes great strength to admit we are weak. That is the dichotomy.

Maybe call your sponsor when you aren’t on the verge of relapse. Tell your sponsor that there were times you should have called, and while you didn’t relapse, there was reason for concern. Your sponsor will likely say “next time, call me. Don’t hesitate. This is what I’m here for.”


My sponsor has me practice for game day. I call almost every day just to chat. That way when the shit hits the fan it’s a natural reaction to pick up the phone rather than a drink or drug.