Why do Americans

Write the date

Month, Day, Year

I don’t understand :man_shrugging:

Today is: 25/04/2021

The 25th of April 2021


They’re using our language so we make the rules surely

It’s not the 4th of the 25th month of 2021 today

When I was in school we learned that there’s two ways to write dates. Either 210424 year-day-month or the one most common in Sweden 240421 day-year-month.

The American way of telling the time on the other hand always confuses me, and my American family laughs at our way to do it and says we’re using “military time” current time in Sweden 15.00 (That’s 3 in the afternoon, unfortunately I still don’t now the AM/PM way)


It’s April 25th 2021. That’s why! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Because we do it the right way Darren :grin:
It’s April 25, 2021. 4/25/2021. LoL
Oh and you guys drive on the wrong side of the road too :roll_eyes:


I will grant that the European date system is as valid or more logical than the US system. BUT, you’ll never get to me agree that using AM / PM isn’t right.

Riddle me this, where is the 13, 14, 15, 16…. on a clock face?:sunglasses:


That’s because it’s starts from 12 and just keeps counting up to 24,or actually it starts over when the time hits 24.00 or 00.00 it starts over from 1 again.

Much simpler than keeping the AM/PM in mind :blush:

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I’m American, but I actually like that clock… :grin: Thanks for letting us use your language btw… lol.


I’ve just “realised” that you also change our S’s to Z’s

You’re all spellaphobic toward the letter S too


OK…gonna jump in here…say “realized” out loud. “S” or “Z” sound?

Oh, and we’re not changing to metric, either.


And if we do that in the U.S., why doesn’t the military?

There you reflect the date and time just like the rest of the world. Then you have to relearn it all when you get out.

Say “rise”. :upside_down_face:


@DarrenUK, I’m with you on most of this. I like the “s” instead of the “z” - it looks more dignified. Z looks like a child spelled it. Also, metric just makes more sense and is easier to remember. I’m an American and how many times I’ve googled “how many cups in a quart” and the like is staggering. Props to the UK. I’ma visit you all someday!

We Hungarians write it the other way round: year-month-day, so 2021. 04. 25.
But we write names also reversed: first family name then forename.


@Tomek, but to you that is the natural way. We are the backwards ones :grinning:

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Yeah, right :slight_smile:

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Agreed! But that wasn’t the example used. :laughing::laughing:

Equally as interesting is why do humans drive on the left some places and the right others.


I agree. Webster only did half the job adjusting American spelling.

It’s time for Americans to rize up and finish what he didn’t.


So the Hungarian system is the most logical, both dates and names. Works best with file names for one thing.