Why do friends want you to drink, when you give up

I’ve yo-yo’ed so much with my weight, its embarrassing. Back just in late June 2019 (before that cruise I mentioned) I was down to 122 lbs after not drinking for 7 months. I started at where I’m at currently at 147 lbs and I’m down 5 lbs since getting our bike and a full month of working out. Hope that makes sense!

Last February (before Covid) I was 140 lbs… gaining about 18 lbs in 7 months… so its time to not only get the weight off, but to keep it off for longer than a couple months. Im definitely not getting any younger (46 now) and now in my time to finally get back to healthy and happy again. :blush:


Loving that last sentence!!

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I like everyone’s responses to friends/family. Some gems I’m going to put in my toolbox!!

I get it with peeps feeling uncomfortable but if their not accepting of my choices I cut em off after that. I am no longer their barfly party pal entertainment. It does sting a little to end relationships but I choose my health 1st💟


I think in a lot of cases, misery loves company on a subconscious level. Some people tend to resent the success and sobriety of others, instead of viewing the recovering person as an inspiration to become sober. That is how it is with my brother and I anyway.

Welcome to the forum btw. I hope you find it useful :purple_heart:


It has taken a while but my true friends are here for me without question.