Why do they continue to help us

Not sure if anyone has a good answer for this. But I can’t sleep at night which gives me a lot (too much?) time alone with my head, so I started wondering. I’m sure we have someone or multiple people in our lives who have been on this journey with us since day 1. Personally, I’ve had a lot of day 1s and a lot of promises to stay sober that I’ve broken. My friend has been with me since the beginning. So I was wondering, why do they keep helping us over and over when we fail and break so many promises? Wouldn’t they give up by now?


They are the TRUE definition of the word FRIEND, that’s why. They are there through thick and thin without waver or question. In my opinion, everyone needs a couple of these people in their arsenal!


Because they are true friends. They know we are unhappy and to people that love us, our happiness is more important them than anything else. It’s a pretty special thing, love :blush:


I always wonder why my wife is still with me too. Boy has she put up with a lot!

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