Why is it so f. hard to stop drinking?

Great job. Now to do it again for another 24 hours. :muscle:


I’m really glad that it helped you, Bunto! Yeah the ride out process is a real pain, but it’s worth it for sure.

I’m about to hit 11 months and there are still things I’m riding out now - the only way I can describe it is that the bumps are now way smoother than at the start. It’s all in the work you do to heal and replace the habit :ok_hand:

You’ve got this!

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Nailed it! Well done :tada::tada::tada:! You’ve got this in the bag :muscle:

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Well done!! One day at a time. :people_hugging:


Well done on 24 hours!

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Congrats on your day 1! that is huge – keep up with your solid efforts and stay connected ODAAT! :muscle:

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I have asked this question so many times, after FOUR relapses since recovering for over 30 plus days… for me it is the boredom, but the absent thought of the fact that I feel I can handle another, or handle ONE more.

It is just something that I can’t shake, and I end up back at the bottom… this time, I have new people surrounding me in my local community and I absolutely happy to be here as well. Use this place 100% and everything that you can surrounding you, it has helped me this past 4 days.


Thank you for your reply @WesS, and wish you are on the ‘never and forever’ path for once and only. Definitely plan on continue using this place, reading posts and have been actually copying useful/impactful information to my daily reminder in calendar app. Plus keeping daily diary here, day by day. I can relate to your relapses, for me what works is to keep busy myself, trying to make a plan and stick to it and in case I have a weak moment I read my notes from times of darkness to remember how I felt actually back then. The only way how to win over alcohol, the poison, is to keep a good distance out of it.


This is my last post to this thread, just wanted to let you know it’s my 10th full consecutive day of enjoying sober life. :hugs: Thank you again, enjoy your day