Why must we do the 12 steps again and again?

Hi Roy, you’ve replied to the wrong person lol. I was putting a similar reply together on a post he just deleted. I found him on another thread and let him know there. Hope he sticks around and finds the support he is looking for :pray:

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Woops lol🙆‍♂️

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I have been following this thread. Although i am not officially in the 12 steps, I still have an opinion to repeating things.
I just read something about Yoga Sutras by Patanjali and they say that with every reading you will discover new things, other aspects as you are not the same person that you where yesterday.
I think that is true for me, I often find myself in situations i know well and with each and every cycle i learn more about myself, i can grow and make it better (or the next time). The only thing i dont want to repeat is step 1, unless i relapse which i try to prevent by working on myself in order to hit the pillow sober every night to come.


Have you gone through cancer and chemo ?

My mother has,why do you ask?

There are no musts only suggestions.


I don’t do the steps but staying sober requires recommitment from time to time. We are constantly being bombarded with alcohol ads. Alcohol is offered almost every time you go out to eat. You can’t buy meth on sale at the grocery store but you can get some get deals on alcohol for your Memorial Day bbq. It’s in our faces all the time. I read sobriety books (Allen Carr and Annie Grace both have great books about sobriety that I’ve read multiple times) and I journal. I do yoga and meditate. These are the things that work for me but it’s never ending.


Suggestions in Recovery are the reality of what we must do,sorry that you don’t see it that way. If I look at it the way you are saying it, I would not do anything suggested,we as addicts and alcoholics think that way.

couldn’t agree more, glad to see sarcasm is not wasted on you.

Oh and don’t feel sorry for me I’m nearly 2 years sober from doing suggestions that I feel personally that I must do but read the 12 steps and nowhere does it use the word must.
if you told this alcoholic he must do something I would fight you all the way to my grave.


That’s cool we all struggle with the attitude of indifference and intolerance towards spiritual principles which are in the steps. It’s not a race, the void will eventually convince you otherwise. And there was never any sarcasm it’s your perception of how you take it. And you work the steps with action not by reading them,and that’s how the program works. HOW IT WORKS, if you don’t understand keep coming back and you will

@Dolse71 Paul, this is what you get for being a smart ass :rofl: And one of my favorite smart asses, might I add! Y’all arguing/explaining the same point. I had to laugh.


yep and as if by magic…

June 18
. . . if only men were granted absolute liberty, and were compelled to obey no one, they would then voluntarily associate themselves in the common interest.


When I no longer live under the dictates of another or of alcohol, I live in a new freedom. When I release the past and all the excess baggage I have carried for so very long, I come to know freedom. I have been introduced into a life and a fellowship of freedom. The Steps are a “recommended” way of finding a new life, there are no commands or dictates in A.A. I am free to serve from desire rather than decree. There is the understanding that I will benefit from the growth of other members and I take what I learn and bring it back to the group. The “common welfare” finds room to grow in the society of personal freedom.



I Don’t… Next.


For all participating in the silly rant ,it shows that there is no humility and unity,this is a forum community to exchange information and support each other not to question people’s recovery and make real wise ass comments. A new comer with one day can come on here and ask themselves is this what they call recovery? People ganging up on a person just displaying a message of hope​:clap::clap::clap: great job guys

More than enough time

your the only one arguing with yourself, I’m either agreeing with you or offering my own personal experience So to clarify, yes you do have to work the steps, yes if you keep coming back it works, no I definitely don’t understand my Higher Power and am a lot better off for it, no not everyone struggles with spiritual or religious aspects of life and lastly I have enough humility to sincerely apologise if I’ve upset you in anyway.

I sometimes think the point of a conversation can be lost in text as we are not all on the same wave length.
Have yourself a blessed day.


How long ?

@Edmund enjoy that did we :rofl::wink:Good morning sir.

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Good morning @Dolse71 Love your perspective. Enjoy this beautiful day in sobriety my friend. :two_hearts: