Why should I go to a meeting?

I second the bump, I think a lot of people would benefit from reading that opening post.

(My posts on the other hand… I regret posting all my negative talk, though I’ll keep it around for history’s sake. I suppose the important part is that despite my concerns, I kept myself open to the idea of meetings until I had gathered enough first-hand experience attending them to decide whether or not they were for me.)

Thanks @MoCatt for explaining in the way you did. Even though I’ve already started going to meetings, it still helps me. I tend to focus on “yep I should still keep going to meetings”, but I’m not always truly mindful of the benefits, and it’s easy to take things for granted.


Yes I did read down a bit. Saw you were having problems. But you stuck with it.
I see people say yes I went but didn’t feel comfortable sharing.
A you don’t have to share
B just going to one is not a good example


Never apologize for keeping it real. An old timer who quit drinking to smoke crack to avoid the 3rd DUI and now has 30 years clean and sober, told me that if we share openly and honestly about where we are for today, the odds are good that we will stay sober for today. We would all like to believe sobriety is unicorns and rainbows and cash and prizes. The fact is that the road can be muddy, rocky, full of booby traps and quick sand, and all other sorts of perils. But you and others show us that a sober life is a better life — no matter what. So thank you for being you.


Thanks. I guess I was worried someone would browse this selectively and read no further than me having a poor experience, instead of getting the whole story. I’m reminding myself what other people do or think is not my issue, to let it go. Serenity.


James - you are hope personified! No one walks into AA and suddenly finds the solution to every difficulty in life. You asked the questions held by so many; your concerns and experiences are important and valid. But you demonstrated on this thread - and in so many others -the willingness to do anything to stay sober. You had some bad meeting experiences? You tried different ones. You didn’t know if AA was for you? Yet you kept going until you saw the benefits. Please don’t apologize. I love reading over your comments and seeing your changing perspective. That’s good stuff, my friend.:heart:


Thank you!!! Well understood by those like me, debating.