Why would drugs be so appealing to people? (Trigger warning)

Doesn’t that relying on others, meetings, etc. seem like a trap, like something You can’t properly live without?
It doesn’t seem too enthusiastic to me. Just a thought though :innocent::thinking:

My life is pretty amazing these days so if it’s a trap I’m glad I’m in it. But I understand where you are coming from. When I was in really early sobriety I thought I had everything figured out just like you. That attitude usually got me to around 60 days sober before a relapse. Hopefully it works better for you.


Perfectly explained

Well put my friend.:heart:

it doesn’t have to taste good, I once tried to smoke them little bags of crystals you get with new shoes, it nearly killed me. :joy: :joy:

If I knew the answer to this my life would be sorted. Heck if anyone figures this out please let me know :joy::blush::slight_smile:

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Haha the silica beads? That’s is hilariously tragic. Glad you made it passed that!

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Do you know that stimulants like coke and speed can calm you down if you have ADHD? I have that and depending on how much coke I did, id be very mellow and could even go to bed and sleep right after a line. I know its crazy but its true, a doctor once explained me how that happens.

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Yeah, that’s why Ritalin and Adderall work for ADHD. My anxiety never let me try. Not sad. :laughing:

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Got to love the nature of body’s mechanisms :blush::ok_hand:

To escape their own perceived reality, to NUMB emotions, to self medicate mental health problems.


Because substance abuse isnt rational. When I tried drugs fir the first time, they didnt feel that good, it was okay and nothing more, and it took me days to bounce back, but all i could think about was that little bit of relief I got, so i kept doing it


That’s probably the same reason guys fall into porn addiction. It’s because it allows for that little relieve from stresses of life.