Why would you "test" your sobriety?

“I didnt like socializing as much as I thought I had” made me chuckle :sweat_smile:

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The way I see it is, if you broke your leg while skateboarding, you wouldn’t go skating until your bones have healed.

In early sobriety, you’re literally healing - and to continue doing the things you did that made you sick in the first place, either directly or indirectly, is like skating with a broken leg. The chance of further damage is pretty high.


I heard that with my whole chest :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Tomorrow is black Wednesday. If you have a year or less sober it’s probably a bad idea to go meet your friends at the location bar to “catch up” and no you will not just drink soda.


Great advice i agrer 100%. And its cold out. Why would anyone want to go outside in the cold haha.


The biggest party night in America, also the biggest domestic violence night in America (I wonder if it’s related :smirk:). If you’re here reading this TS people, stay home tonight :wink:. Great advice​:slightly_smiling_face:


Being an American pretty much all my life, I’ve never heard of this, so naturally I looked it up. Is it an east coast thing?

Regardless, stay home! You don’t have to go!

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Not sure. I just know it’s when flocks of young adults return home for Thanksgiving and head to their favorite bar from when they lived there. It’s like a high school reunion of sorts.


We had it in Michigan. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Same here. I’ve heard Friendsgiving. I don’t have friends. Nobody wants to invite a sober guy.

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Probably a good time to bump this.

Just a reminder that no, you are not “strong” enough to go to bars in early sobriety.


Nor is there any good reason to.

Say you don’t want to go, then don’t go. If someone gets upset, the problem is their expectations of you and taking it personally, it’s not the fact you didn’t go.

Want to make sure your friends have a sober driver when they go out? That is what taxis and public transit are for. Or one of them can choose not to drink.

Want to make sure your friend feels supported when they celebrate something? Show your support verbally, or with a gesture or small gift. In return, they can support you by accepting your decision not to go on a specific outing you don’t want to go to.

Want to spend time with your friends? Plan something that isn’t at a bar.

Just want to prove you can do it? Prove that you can avoid going to the bar. If you can’t say no to the bar, how can you be sure you can say no to the drink?


Seems like a good time for the ole bumperewski.

If someone told me I could go over Niagara Falls in a barrel 100 times and I would only die one of those times I still wouldn’t go.

I don’t take unnecessary risks with my sobriety and I’m almost 7 years sober. Life is full of challenges that are unavoidable, why the hell would I want to add to that.


It’s like my grandfather’s grandfather said… a fool and their sobriety are soon parted.


Simple answer - naivety!

When I first joined, I thought I knew how right I was, and how wrong everyone else was! Big lol to that one.
I was a fool. Every trap I was warned about, I fell into.

Pro-tip for anyone new - listen to the veterans of these forms, they know exactly what they’re on about!!


I probably would die the first time and not get 99 more tries. Something to ponder. NO NIAGARA FALLS IN A BARREL. :heavy_check_mark:


Our old nemesis the ego… :laughing:. I’m glad mine is mostly in check.


Everyone has an ego. Its the ability to notice it, and course correct that is a challenge. You my friend, seem to do a great job at that.


I don’t have an ego, but that’s only because I’m better than everyone else.



Just sold my marital home which is completing on Friday

I’ll have £48000 sat in the bank

What should I do?

  • wait and put it towards another mortgage
  • have “one drink” and be under the illusion I won’t spend it on the best binge ever. I could even rent a Ferrari and pretend I’m a player

Think I’ll be sensible as that one drink would lead to me losing everything, not just the money :moneybag:

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