Will my ex come back?

My ex and I broke up due to my addiction right before I went into treatment. This is my first experience with it and I just now accepted and determined that I’m an alcoholic. I’m actively working through recovery but he keeps avoiding me and contact… idk what to do. I have a clear head now and want to be able to repair and recover together. Any insight?


Welcome back. You cannot control what your ex will do. You can only control what you do. And the most important thing to do right now is to focus on your own recovery. You cannot be a partner to anyone if you don’t truly work on your recovery. I understand that is easier said than done when you are hurting and missing someone. Sending strength and wisdom. :purple_heart:


My ex through me out because of my drinking and behavior , never got back but i got sober and a new life ,sometimes things dont go our way but i hope you get back together wish you well


Ultimately that is their decision to make. All you can do is keep working on yourself.


Welcome back!

We do a lot of damage with our using.

My insight is, you just accepted your alcoholism and are starting to work on yourself in treatment. My suggestion is to keep your focus on you, because there’s a lot of self-work we need to do before we can be a good partner. And it’s going to take a lot of internal change and time for anyone else to be able to see the difference in us. They may never and that’s ok! The only way I’ve found this sticks is to do it for us, not to get recognition of our changes within others.

Our addictions cause damage for years, yet as soon as we put down the drink we often want others to see what we are doing and acknowledge it. In my experience, we have to fix ourselves before we can fix things with others. There’s a reason amends arrive later in the steps. We can do much more damage by reconnecting too soon.

Well done on beginning your recovery! Be patient with the process and just keep focused on you. It’s necessary to be successful in recovery. :heart:


Having sunk a relationship due to my addiction I understand the need/desire to show a past partner that I’ve changed and I’m better now. That being said it was super selfish of me to try and repair with a person who did not want me. My amends to her is to leave her alone. This was many years ago and I am now partnered with the most amazing woman so it will all work out just how it should.

If you care about this person you will respect their boundaries and stop reaching out.


This rings so true i felt i had to show my ex wife early on id changed and id feel better but thats still being selfish, the best way is to move on no drunk texts or emails show that im getting better and hopefully thats enough and i can now move on and invest some time in myself not seek out forgiveness