Wine alternatives?

I know it may not be a popular thing here but I’ve found that non-alcoholic beers have helped me with staying sober, especially when out for a meal or when the weather is “pub garden weather”.

Does anyone have any 0% wine alternatives that actually taste good or nah? Because all of the 0% wines I’ve tried are so grim :frowning:


No offense, everybody as what works for them.
I also find that non alcoholic beverages works to keep me sober.

Haven’t found a non alcoholic wine option though. I was more a champagne person. Nosecco works just fine for that, and tastes like the real deal.


I am not recovering from alcohol, so I’m not coming at this from that exactly, but I have chosen not to drink in my life. When I want the sort of “ceremony” feeling of popping that cork, I get Paul Brassac sparkling grape juice, from Costco (I’m shopping in Canada; not sure if Costcos in other countries have this product):

It is bubbly juice, to be clear, it doesn’t taste like alcohol in any way. I think alcohol tastes gross anyway so it’s not anything I miss.


You should search this topic on the forum, its been discussed…a lot.

Be well.


I’ve tried quite a few AF wines and yes they are often pretty disappointing, the best red I’ve found is marks and Spencer’s alcohol free merlot. it went really well with my Christmas dinner and has that earthy oaky flavour that I think most AF reds dont. I also like the Free brand AF rose super cold in a nice thin wine glass! I feel the glass really does make the difference!