Wine coolers

Quick question, if I drink a wine cooler. Do I have to reset myself? It’s the strong drink that keeps me in trouble

Wine coolers tend be as strong as regular beer (4.0 abv) so yes that’s a definite reset. Your alcoholic brain is trying to convince you to drink. That’s like a heroin addict asking if it’s okay to use some pills because they aren’t as strong as heroin. Don’t give in to that voice.


As a European, what’s a wine cooler??

For me it sounds like a fridge for wine :joy:

However, if it contains alcohol, yea it’s a reset imo


Yes reset.



I agree with everyone that has posted. If you’re thinking about it imho then act on it, that is grounds to reset. Everyone has that voice has says XYZ wont be bad… don’t give in. Stay strong!


Ah ok thank you :laughing:

Never saw this with wine but we have similar drinks called alco pops, with vodka or rum, like Bacardi Breezer.


I’d say that’s a reset. I feel like that would be like me saying hard ciders are ok because it isn’t whiskey.


Yeah we have the one’s with rum etc, I just put that one up to give you an idea.


You are the person who is making the changes for your own life. For me, any alcohol I consume would be a reset. I never drank wine coolers, but I have no doubt that if I drank one now? I would be drinking fifteen by Saturday night. For me, nothing can be worth that chance. If it is alcohol, I am drinking it to change the way I feel - and that is never healthy.


Ah yea, so we call em alcopops.

When we already at it…

What do you think of sauces cooked with wine? My wife cooks some delicious sauces with red or white wine…

Always thought the alcohol goes away while cooking but I ain’t sure.

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I personally agree that it’s cooked away; I don’t discriminate, lol!
I just googled it and alot of discrepancies!
Here’s one, but others say it must cook longer.
You need to cook a sauce for at least 20 to 30 seconds after adding wine to it to allow the alcohol to evaporate. Since alcohol evaporates at 172°F (78°C), any sauce or stew that is simmering or boiling is certainly hot enough to evaporate the alcohol .

What’s Cooking America › Alcohol…

Alcohol Evaporation In Cooking And Baking, Whats Cooking America

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Hah great, it would be hard for me without her sauces :laughing:

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Hey @Markie

I understand why you would ask us that.
Different types of drinks make us feel differently. It’s easy to begin to look at hard alcohol as a different animal than, say, a wine cooler.
But, the fact remains; to your liver and brain, alcohol is alcohol. Even a weak drink is still a drink and it still begins to get you drunk.
All we have to do is say No to that first drink… Even the weak ones that don’t seem to affect us.
That’s alcoholic logic talking to you… Whispering in your ear.
Try to remember that, when we are in recovery, we not only stop drinking but also stop thinking the way we used to. We watch our thoughts and impulses closely. We recognize old behaviors and slowly work to change them; be sober day at a time. :wink:


Like learning to walk again; our old “friend” doesn’t like changes! I hear it too; can be very convincing!


I’ve tried a million time to just not drink whiskey. I tried Vodka, Wine, canned mules, beer, Wine coolers, blah blah blah. And every one of them ended with me drinking whiskey again. Over and Over. I’d get sick of not getting wasted and just buy some whiskey.

Granted, I don’t know how you drink. But, for me, the regulations and rules I created just ended up with me drinking whiskey again. Every time. Sometimes it’d work for a few weeks, sometimes just till the next weekend. But every time, it ended with me getting blasted on whiskey for weeks or months.


That’s a huge awesome valid point. Change the thinking, you change the mind. And the behavior will follow. Thank you.


No brainer Reset

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I’ve bookmarked @MrCade’s response. I will use it for every one of the many threads about “NA beer” or mocktails etc. Recovery is about replacing the mindset that alcohol is a priority, replacing the idea that that fitting into the social drinking scene without booze will be possible or comfortable. I don’t know the OP’s motivation for asking, but the answer fits - being sober is diametrically opposed to finding a way to fit alcohol analogs into my behavior and lifestyle.