Wine getting a habit

Ha thanks I’ve had my allotted sugar for the day though :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: enjoy them :+1:

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Yes she did well on that one. I I am Dutch and my husband is British. But lived most in Scotland and now we live in Spain

@Lita I will be on a flt with no less than 300 people around me drinking. What helped me is

  • doing this one day at a time
  • AA prayer asking for my higher source for the help I need today to stay away from alcohol
  • reminder of consequences of drinking
  • staying away from situations

Have you thought around hired help(kids with a baby sitter) and going to a gym during that time when your husband drinks?

Ah I thought how good your English was. Where about in Scotland did you live? I have a cousin that lives in Edinburgh. Now there is a place that gets shed loads a rain!! :black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 lol x

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I can nearly see my house from there! Lol. We are lucky living here aren’t we? It’s a stunning place to be if the suns out :+1: how’s it going with you? X

Yes very lucky. Yes all good dear :smile: hope you are too :+1::ok_hand:

Yep… just charging on! Lol x

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I’m new too. I love wine also. I get it.

We are here. You are not alone thru this.


I am 15 days sober. I drank 1.5 bottles of wine a night. One night it was 2 bottles. After I finished the last sip from the second bottle, I knew I had a problem. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. Quiting drinking was a hard decision to make because I kept telling myself that I won’t drink during the weekdays or, I will only have only one bottle or, I will quite for 21 days… The addiction is a big talker and has a way of whispering sweet nothing in our ear. Alcohol is poison. It will, over time, kill us. Maybe your sobriety will inspire your husband. Sobriety is power. :heart: (big hug)