Winter and COVID...everyone’s drinking

I’m struggling. I’ve been drinking for ten years, mostly to cop with lonliness. Covid gas everyone drinking heavily, and winter has me locked up indoors without the usual outdoor activities I love so much to keep me occupied. I’ve had to cut off visiting friends because they all drink heavily. And now everyone is drinking even more because Covid has shut down life as we know it. And society embraces this…? I’m feeling exceptionally frustrated that everywhere I look, especially social media, I see what my friends are drinking. Any tips on keeping occupied and coping with the loneliness that don’t include relapsing and waking up exhausted with a headache? There’s a snow storm coming to the Midwest, I’m hoping to listen to podcasts or watch movies but sometimes even that can be a trigger


First off welcome! Im in ohio and ya we are getti ngf a bad snow storm today. The winter and covid has me mostly locked in the house as well. The best thing for me was setting a daily routine. Some things that i do throughout the day is playing with my daughter, babysitting my neice, i draw alot, work out every morning, clean the house, and work takes up alot of time. What do you like to do for fun? Find some hobbies. Mabe exercise, start off light if you arnt used to it, learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, do some artwork, play some videogames, clean the house, cooking…are just some ideas. The winter and covid sucks cuz i too enjoy being outdoors, cant wait for summer to start swimming again. But hang in there and keep yourself busy.


Hi there! It does seem like everyone is drinking nowadays, I hear you. I stay busy. Since January, I’ve started going for walks, either outside in the snow or on my treadmill, I’ve learned to crochet, I’m learning to play the guitar, I’m colouring in adult colouring books, I keep my house tidy. Just find things you might enjoy and stay busy doing them. It’s a lot more rewarding making and finishing crochet projects than drinking three bottles of wine, for example.
On social media, I hide anything that really triggers me, even if it is friends. I ran into a friend the other day, he invited me over for dinner and beers (we aren’t in lockdown where I live) it was so very tempting, but I had to tell him I had been alcohol free for 40 days. It actually went well, he congratulated me.
So, anyways, my point is, don’t let the covid lockdown get you down. Take this as an opportunity to learn something new, create hobbies, and stay strong. This advice is coming from a woman who pretty much wasted the first covid lockdown drinking every day last year. I wish I could undo that. Anyways, stay strong and reach out here for help. :blush:


Have you considered getting into outdoor winter activities? I am originally from New England and winter meant winter hiking, snowshoeing, sledding/tubing, winter running, brisk walks, downhill or cross country skiing, snowboarding, enjoying toasty sits by the fire eating s’mores, making snowforts and snowpeople, etc.

It is all about layering your clothes (cotton is a no no) and having warm hats, gloves and socks and waterproof toasty boots. If it’s windy, a face mask is nice, so that’s a bonus these days as we all have them. Thrift shops often are a great resource for finding winter clothes, as are church shops. Layering is key.

I suggest getting bundled up and taking some nature walks…is there a park nearby? Or just around your neighborhood if it is possible.

If outdoor adventures aren’t available to you, some other things I enjoy are puzzles, knitting, baking, reading. Maybe look up some recipes…cookies? Bread? Both are easy, especially no knead bread (flour, water, salt and yeast). Did I mention puzzles? Or find some zoom meetings to meet new people at.

Hope this helps inspire you a little. :heart:


Greetings. I’ve done a fair amount of thinking on sobriety during COVID-19 and its effects, which has lead me to the following conclusion:

Living a sober life during COVID is just like living sober life without it, only more so…

Drinking was celebrated before COVID, and it’s celebrated now, only more so.

If our friends were drinkers before COVID, they are drinkers now, only more so.

If we were challenged to find sober activities and social relationships before COVID, we are challenged now, only more so.

If daily sobriety took total commitment before COVID, it takes total commitment now, only more so.

If I chose to be counter-culture regarding drinking before COVID, I choose to be counter-culture now, only more so.

And if the benefits of sobriety had hugely positive impacts on my life before COVID, those benefits are hugely positive now, only more so.

I choose to get better at getting better each and every day. Better today than I was yesterday, and tomorrow better still. I chose to do this before COVID, and I choose to do it now, only more so. I am thankful for my sobriety now more so than ever before. I will come out of this season better than I entered it, and you can too.


Yeah, same here. Friends all drink on the regular, so i stayed away for a bit, but now i Can hang with my AF drinks and be ok.

I started exercise & catching up on over due house projects. Going for hikes / walks, cooking real food, hot cocoa, tried loose teas, got a soda stream for my own fizzy waters with lemon, lime, cranberry… Hot showers, naps, video games & netflix for awhile…
You’ll find things to do - what are things you’ve always put off, but wanted to do? Get on them :+1::blush:


I had to give up social media. However, I started the detox from social media about a year ago. I’m a month and half a sober. Currently I don’t have any social media accounts, with the exception of this, if it falls in that category. If you are not wanting to eliminate social media, maybe hide people who post things that are triggering. It was imperative to my recovery to no longer participate in social media.


Tea sounds good! Maybe some calming teas like chamomile and chai. Good ideas, thank you!

I’ve never been a fan of the cold but I’m learning to like it! I’m a big outdoors person…in the summer lol but layering up is helping me learn to enjoy the snow too. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Not everyone is drinking.

This is my main online social network now. Lots of people not drinking and doing life sober :slightly_smiling_face:

Some good tips already on the practical side of things but just a reminder that this is a great place to lean in and make connections.

Also lots of good stuff here >> Resources for our recovery