Withdrawal symptoms with weed

Anyone else struggle with abdominal pain after quitting weed? im 1 week sober and my stomach has been killing me lately. Not sure if this is normal or not


That can be a really commom occurrence. Thc affects your appetite and can be a pain reliever for chronic illnesses and such. If it doesnt pass id recommend seeing a primary care doctor.


Not a doctor, but ive been clean from weed for about the same time as you. My stomach gets upset when im anxious or even when i think about doing something enjoyable (like smoking or drinking)

I also eat differently now that i havnt smoked, so it could be your stomach adjusting to your diet? Are you eating less? I know i am.

I hope your still doing well.

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Also, just a suggestion, do NOT start googling stomach pain and symptoms of it. You will go down a rabbit hole that will inevitability just cause more worry. I know this from experience lol

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There’s quite a list of possible withdrawal symptoms from weed, nausea and pain down there certainly are some of 'm. Success, keep going and hang in there.


Yep, i got all them mfers lol