Withdrawals 😖

Hi. My name is Madison, I’m 18 and this would be my first post. I’ve been addicted to methamphetamines for 2 & ½ years now, off and on. I was 7 months clean before I had a slip up this month & today is 19 days since I’ve touched it & today I feel like I could just hurt somebody. These last 3 weeks, all I’ve experienced is nothing but violent mood swings, excruciating pains, mental healing, and this may be disturbing but my veins just itch for it and every day I get a notification from this app. a little quote that helps me get through the day, everyday. Every time I convince myself that dope is not what I wanna do for the rest of my life, I’ve always went back, especially after a bad or dramatic situation that has me stressed out. But this time I feel like I really mean it when I say it. Its all thanks to my girlfriend, the one who’s helped me through it all and to stay busy so I have other things to do. If anyone has any good tips about how to deal withdrawals properly, please let me know. Its appreciated :crossed_fingers:t3::black_heart:


You are doing the right thing and kicking this while you are young. Come on here when you need support. It sounds like you are doing a good job of fighting this. As you know, the withdrawals will pass in time.

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Thank you @ShinGodzilla , that makes me feel at ease knowing I am doing a good thing. I know they’ll pass but the pain is lasting longer than ever.


a gf is good support but you also have to relie on yourself. the hardest thing your will ever do is learn to love yourself. there must be something pretty special for ur gf to hang on to you. maybe something you dont see. therapy helps to and learning to deal with are problems

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@Marie_Barnett , I know therapy is what I should look into, but I’ve been there for my depression and they just stopped seeing me! I live in Graham, Tx and this town sucks and is infested with dope addicts! And one thing I haven’t mentioned is my family. They don’t know for sure about me doing drugs but they’ve been suspicious for awhile and I am too much afraid of what they would say about it since they dont agree with half of my decisions anyway. Getting into therapy and stuff, I’d need their help and I just can’t bring myself to the light to them…

Reaching out and going to meetings has been huge for me!
Don’t suffer alone.
When we get those thoughts and feelings they can fester and you can use them as an excuse to go back out. Living in the pain alone is a scary place.
Go to meetings and open up!
If you don’t think meetings are for you… I still really recommend finding like minded individuals who are clean!
It’s amazing how much it helps to reach out and talk to someone else. Doesn’t have to be counselling.
You don’t have to do this alone!
Congrats on 19 days!
Keep it up one day at a time


at least you realize it. but you cant be scared of the inevitable. are you on you parents insurance? there is a hotline on the back of the card. you can call these numbers for help. if I were you I would face your parents . pick the one that’s the most understanding tell them you need to talk. explain to them how you feel and tell them you need help now and cant do it alone. you got this your reaching out for help here and we are all strangers. some of us our parents …cough cough I have a 15 year old and if he ever came to me for help I’d help him. I dont always agree with the decisions he makes but a true parent loves there kid regardless of there mistakes and will always love them


Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on the journey you will embark and embrace. Remember it will come with difficult and trying tikes but ultimately will be worth it. Thank you for sharing and we are here for you.

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My drug of choice is alcohol so I can’t speak to the withdrawals. But you can search this forum by using the magnifying glass at the top right corner of your screen. You are very brave to get sober on your own and it’s great to do it early in life! I encourage you to talk to at least one of your parents or another trusted adult/family member. This is incredibly difficult to do without a support group or doctor or by yourself. In the mean time I encourage you to take it one day at a time, check in on here each day and reach out to us for encouragement when you need it. I’m rooting for you!!

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@Jpops thank you for your support, & yes my girlfriend goes to drug assessment classes every week Tuesdays and Thursdays and has invited me to meet her counselor to have a one on one session which has given me a little faith. :black_heart: i guess i should move on and push aside the fear i have to opening up. all the replies have given me reassurance and hope, and i appreciate them all


What I good advice your girlfriend gave you, that’s a real friend! :heart:
I would go if I were you!
Go get that clean life :facepunch:

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