Women Post: Period incoming- Sobriety at stake

TMI: Menstrual Talk

My periods about to start and I’m STRUGGLING to stay sober. The whirlwind emotions are STRONG and I want a drink so bad I could actually cry. This is worse than withdrawal…. Does anyone else feel this way? Why is it worse before or during period? Does anyone have any tips/tricks during your time of the month? I’m so desperate


Hey we get you! My hormones tricked me many times. Hop on here with us:

We’ve been there. Try your very hardest to feed your body whatever it wants, take naps, drink water or anything that helps other than booze. Lay a sober head down today and live to fight another cycle. Sending hugs and patience.


You are not alone, I am soooo feeling this right now. So irritated with EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that I was actually contemplating these gimmicky little “buzz balls” while grocery shopping. Then thought about how fun it would be to feel this irritated, while bleeding horribly (super plus has nothing on me), and wake up with a mouth dry and tasting like a beer bottle with a half pack of Camel butts in the bottom, shaking, and looking for another “ball” to keep it all at bay. No thank you. I haven’t drank in 10 years and remembering how it made me feel, no euphoric recall here, is enough to keep me sober. I wish for you all the best, a heating pad, a cup of hot tea, and another day clean and sober. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


My mental health would tank a week before I came on. Drinking, binge eating, self-harm could be tallied to PMS. It is connected to hormone changes. There is actually Premenstrual dysphoric disorder which is like abnormally bad pms. Knowledge is key, so understanding WHY you feel so bad, and also knowing it is temporary.


Hang on sister! Here’s what I recently discovered - I watch videos of people rescuing animals and I cry my soul out. That induced crying sort of fills up the quota for the day. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Also, apples - they help with cravings of any sort, but chew properly and eat slowly. For the evening - herbal tea, like rosehip, hibiscus, cranberry (warm or lukewarm drink is the trick, not really the herb itself).
Good luck and lots of love!!!


You’re all soo amazing. Thank you. I read these and cried because they were all so helpful and nice. So you may be on to something about the crying. I will definitely look into the teas at night. My cravings are worse then. Thank you all so very very much. I survived another night. :heart:


I missed this post originally but I sure hope you’re feeling better and you are definitely not alone.:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:. I feel the same way right before my period and honestly it just makes it worse to drink so I hope that you’re able to hang in there and do some other things to make you feel better that will actually make you feel better instead of worse in the end. I’m so exhausted today and probably didn’t word that exactly the way I wanted but anyways just want you to know you’re not alone.
You can get through this. :purple_heart:

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I definitely feel you on the crying. So let yourself feel whatever you’re feeling and cry! I know the hormones always still get me in tears but it was worse in early sobriety because I would find myself mourning and grieving the loss of alcohol in my life as if it was a toxic ex boyfriend even though I knew it wasn’t good for me.

Crying, candles, walks outside, naps, tea & water! When my period comes on I really gotta put in that self care time cozy time.

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You are not alone for years I have noticed my mood crashing a week before my period. Dr’s (even female ones!) are usually dismissive. My current meds help a lot.

No good advice from me other than hang on to your sobriety we are all with you!

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Definitely relating to this! There’s almost a grieving that I feel towards not drinking anymore? It’s hard to explain. But that definitely hit a chord when I read that. I’ll have to talk to my therapist about it. Thanks for sharing and your kind words.

All of you who responded- thank you truly. The struggle is soooo real, and the reminders and cheering are so very helpful. Thank you :smiling_face_with_tear:


I was diagnosed with PMDD, basically my PMS is way worse than the normal. Turns out after indepth research I learned that alcohol raises your estrogen levels which makes PMS symptoms worse. Now I understand why my luteal phase has been so miserable the last 10 years. It was linked to my drinking habits.
I am on day 4 of sobriety. It’s Friday, which was always my favorite drinking day. I’m less than a week out from my period and my cravings are through the roof.

I was sober 4 months last year, and it was the best I’d ever remember feeling. I’m desperately trying to get back there.

You got this! Find something to keep busy. Treat yourself with your favorite snack, ice cream, chocolate. Hang in there, your are not alone!


Im right there with you.
Its worth sticking with sobriety no matter how much you want to crawl out of your own skin. First month hardest but my hormones calmed since not drinking. It really helps pms in the long run.
Im feeling pretty crap this week too. I did end up eating way too much sugar crap to help myself through. Whatever works though… i always put sobriety first.
Crying idea sounds good x

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I just got through another period sober. It does get better. Those out of control emotions that had me blindly reaching for a bottle or a pizza are much more manageable. Now if I sleep a little more or indulge more food cravings it feels like choice not like a compulsion. 7 months of sober practice but those first few are a real bitch. Stay the sober course and keep up the good work.


I feel the same way every time I start my period. I’ve stayed strong each time but some are harder than others. I wish I could skip my period each month but that ain’t happening lol


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