Women's hormonal roller-coaster

So, it’s been so time I have been thinking about this topic as it is obviously a reoccurring issue for me. It’s not about whining or something like this but to acknowledge that we are different.
Problems that are due to hormonal cycle, feeling like shit, depressive episodes. And often I feel uncomfortable sharing this as I often got notions that disrespect this (mostly male). We have to function every day the same, yet, at least for me this is impossible.
If any woman wants to join, I’d be happy. :slightly_smiling_face:




@anon74766472 this is an awesome thread idea! I struggle with pretty bad mood changes during my time, which I have always felt embarrassed about. I always felt like I should be able to control it more. It’s really only been since getting sober and learning more about myself and how to deal with feelings that I am starting to realize that it’s just something that’s going to happen. Now instead of feeling embarrassed or like I am a failure for not being able to get rid of the emotions, I’m trying to just feel them and know that they will pass.

Again, great idea for a topic!
Great idea again!


I saw the thread title and thought I need to jump in on this! Every damn month I feel that way and guys generally don’t get it as they haven’t experienced it. I look forward to being apart of this thread

And I second @Olivia


@Olivia , I wasn’t expecting to read that ( scrolling from the bottom up) and it made me laugh and choke on my coffee a little!


I wish I could do that. I have a very unpredictable cycle because of past problems. Sometimes I have one every 14 days.


I get majorly pissed when a dude starts to give me shit about periods and monthly cycles. My cramps are so bad I can’t even sit. I lie on floor and vomit. Bleeding. Diarrhea. Always been like that. Now IUD and pain meds help me function.

So I often think about that scene in the Friends. “Minor discomfort” my ass!!!


I use an app as well and it already improved. While I wanted to die each and every single day during drinking times, these thoughts come only close to menstruation. Still, it drags me down every time. I don’t want to take meds due to this. Sometimes venting, acknowledging it and say: it’s okay, helps.


This is a topic I frequently think about also. We have these funny little things called ovaries that create hormones that can get REALLY out of whack. And when that happens, a variety of things can happen. Acne, greasy hair, migraine, fever, excessive hair growth on the body (arms, legs hands & feet), mania and depression just to name a few. Society as a whole label us as “bipolar” when it’s a hormonal imbalance because of those little buggers. I was diagnosed with Poly cystic ovarian syndrome when I was 18. I have experienced all the things listed above and more. PCOS is just starting to get talked about in the U.S. and I am so glad. It has not been easy to deal with over the years.


What app are you guys using? I’ve never tracked it before because it’s pretty regular, but that might help me keep track of the mood stuff- that always seems to catch me off guard ( you’d think by now I’d learn lol)


Not saying you should nor judging your decision in any way. Out of curiosity, why have you chosen not to medicate?


Love this thread! Thanks for starting it! I haven’t read it yet but…my yoga teacher had me get a book called “Bapance Your Hormones, Balance your Life” by Dr. Claudia Welch that goes into the science behind a lot of what we go through. I am looking forward to reading this!


It is a nightmare but as early as 16 i was diagnosed with hpv (which has since cleared) and I was having pre cancerous cells on my cervix and it’s almost gone from burning and freezing. When I was 18 my bf at the time gave me pelvic inflammatory disease which also was cured but I think all of that has a lot to do with it. I can’t be on birth control because of the hormones in it cause me to have episodes of a condition I have called hereditary angioedema. They tried birth control when I was 17 I made it 2 months and multiple episodes later and a few hospital stays I’ve never taken it again.


It’s carried me through a lot in 36 years


I use clue. It’s free. And you can include many symptoms if you wish. It has an somehow working prediction function which is pretty good.


Thanks I’ll find it now!


I use Clue.


Totally agree I suffer with peri menapausol which can be upto 7 years before menopause kicks in properly on top of still having intense pmt and dealing with ovulation day I’ve noticed as you get older it becomes worse aswell, the only way I can discribe it is like being in withdrawal constantly albar maybe a week if I’m lucky my symptoms are hot sweats, heavy blood flow, sleeplessness, bloating, racing heart rate, irrability, severe lower back pain. Yuk… Oh the joys :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I use a period calenlenr but tbh I can tell the day I’m ovulating without even looking at it. I don’t take anything I refuse to take a synthetic hormone when I can barely deal with my own I’ve tried many the all send me over the edge can’t do it(personel choice) thanks for this thread us women need to be reminded that what we’re feeling and thinking is all completely normal. Chuck in a addicts thinking Ontop for good measure then wete all ALOAD of nutters :heart::rofl::heart::rofl::heart::rofl::heart::rofl::heart::rofl:


I have experienced HPV & PID and they are both awful!!! Having LEEPS and colposcopies are never talked about. My first LEEP I passed out from the pain and started having convulsions. They don’t give you anything for the pain when you get one. It’s traumatic, and if you’re like me and don’t have anyone to go with you, the drive home alone is almost worse than the procedure. I’ve had HPV come back 3x and I often wonder if I’ll end up having a hysterectomy because of it.


I mean taking meds against depression. Idk, I was never adviced to take them. Not even sure if I had depression. Maybe it’s all together these cyclic depressive episodes.
It tried a pill but with all the diabetes fuck, I don’t want to add too much and I tend to forget to take pills also :scream::see_no_evil: