Women's hormonal roller-coaster

Good news! I finished my FF on Monday and am starting to feel terrible. GP said to wait a month after they finished for a blood test but I’m not gonna last that long. Fortunately I can get some over the counter tho! Will be picking them up in the morning and hope that the last five days haven’t reset everything :crossed_fingers:


Love this!! It’s always like a week or week and a half where I’m so fucking tired, hungry, and irritated. I feel like my husband thinks I’m making it up but the hormones are real!


Welcome! Yes the hormones are real. Maybe interest your husband in some basic litetature to understand better and help you coping. If he refuses to read, read yourself and tell him about it. In my case this worked out well.
If it doesn’t, there are still other options to try :wink:


Day 36 here :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: fell in a hole this afternoon. Sun is shining but it won’t lift my mood. Glycemia is the worst. I hate it as it fucking conincides with wanting only to eat. What’s the point of this? I’ll start the march challenge today and hopefully I will motivateyself to start with the element water which is the topic of this week’s yoga practice.


Hi ladies. As you know or don’t know I suffer with pcos and endo. Add to that going AF too I equally find the hormonal circus and pain hellish. However, for so long I put everything down to all of those things and for sure they contribute but when the doctor recently advised bloods they found I was very low on vitamin D too. Not what I expected.

Now been prescribed strong dose for 2 months and have to have more bloods while taking them.

It’s definitely worth a blood test If you haven’t had one for a while.


Thank you for this thread!
My sobriety and cycle feel very tied. I usually try to imbibe everything I can the day before my bleeding starts. This cycle I am watching and waiting and trying to be kind to my body. If I can make it 30 days AF I will feel very accomplished (just over 2 weeks here).

I’ve always been moody and depressed, some years more than other. I can’t help but think that not drinking a depressant every day will help me regulate my moods better but those hormones are sneaky bitches. No hormonal birth control for me anymore after a few episodes of absolute unregulated uncontrollable moods while on it. I’m waiting out these 2 weeks in kindness to this body I live in. Thanks for being here. :muscle:t3::drop_of_blood:


What helps me to overcome the critical phase just before bleeding starts is restful sleep. I’m moody and nervous and cravings in the evenings can be strong. Meditation, a bath, a good book or some funny videos help me to calm down. If needed, I take sleeping meds for a few days. That depends on my general level of exhaustion.
Wish you all the best and come here :hugs::blush:


Hi @TrustyBird welcome. My first cycle AF was pretty tough I won’t lie. Good news is second one AF was way more settled than I’ve ever experienced. Be ready for the first and be kind to yourself. This community is a wonderful support.


Thank you! I am hanging tight and allowing myself all the food and rest that I need for this first cycle. Hopefully this can be a learning experience about triggers and not a crazy hormonal derailment. Thank you for reaching out. This community has definitely become a pillar of support for me. I appreciate your support.


Thank you! I am taking my days off easy and filling them with snacks, good books and lots of rest. I appreciate you reaching out to me. I feel a lot of support on this app and will be checking in often, especially this first month.

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I use the Flo app to track my cycle and today is my ovulation day. I almost screamed at a co-worker over a frustrating situation tonight but instead I vented appropriately. After work I listened to good music, petted my sweet kitties, fed my body good food and did NOT reach for alcohol to dull my hormonal swings. I’m at 20 days today, 30 days here I come. :sunglasses::muscle:t3::bouquet::woman_in_lotus_position:t2:


I am also mid cycle and use an app which I check frequently when I feel grumpy etc. Migraine yesterday which was very frustrating as usually have a little more energy mid month (even if it is often accompanied by heightened emotion!) They seem to be increasing as I hit early 40s. I ate far too much chocolate yesterday to compensate so well done on the healthy eating.

Congratulations on 20 days! I hit 30 yesterday and it felt so good :blush:


Congratulations on 30! That is where I want to be. I am constantly amazed at how my period can sneak right up on me without the app. I can be in the grocery store wondering why I hate everyone until I check the app to see that my period is coming. You’d think after almost 20 years I would know.

I ate a few squares of chocolate yesterday too.

I’m wishing you a quiet dark room for your migraines.

Keep it up! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3: I think you are doing great. Thanks for reaching out. :heart:


I laughed at this so hard

That’s 100 % me but without app :rofl:
When I’m grumpy like a hungry rattlesnake it can be for 2 reasons:

  1. I’m hungry
  2. I have hormons

Good you treat yourself with kindness @TrustyBird and @JennyH
Remember: This too shall pass … I’m with you ladies :hugs:


It is honestly every time. I’ll be patiently waiting in line and think “I should push someone”, then I look at my app to discover it is just the hormones and I’m not a monster. :woman_facepalming:t2:



This is exactly me! “Why is my husband’s breathing so annoying?” Check the app…

I think we are all doing really well. Being sober and dealing with all these hormones deserves a medal :medal_sports: 30 days will be with you in no time @TrustyBird And thank you @erntedank :blush:


This :point_up_2: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No monsters, just hormone party victims who suffer … and all other suffer too :woman_facepalming::shushing_face::grin:


Apparently vitamin d, b12 and iron all work together/ affect each other.

I’m in the iron protocol Facebook group which is excellent. Other groups that get a mention are the b12 protocol and Improving Health with Magnesium, Vitamin D & Nutrients that work in Teams.

They are on my list to join next!

Hope addressing that deficiency helps to at
least relieve some of the symptoms :hugs:


Updating from my iron deficiency info…

I also recently had a blood test that shows I am b12 deficient based on a serum cobalamin level of under 200. Although apparently it can be hard to diagnose based on that alone for a lot of people, as any b12 supplements or b12 fortified food can falsely inflate levels.

Lots of good info on b12 here: https://www.theb12society.co.uk/

Many symptoms cross over with iron deficiency so I have no idea what’s what to be honest!

I’ve just started getting b12 injections through my GP so am interested to see what difference that makes, if any. Also added some folic acid into the mix to hopefully make the most of the b12.

I know it’s not strictly hormonal but feel like it’s a good place to share it as so many of the symptoms do cross over with stuff that’s often not taken seriously. I don’t know this for sure but I imagine often because the symptoms are more ‘female’ it’s more a women’s issue, maybe seen as ‘just’ hormonal. But if treatment is available that can improve quality of life then I feel we should all know about it!


On another note I’m on a few FB groups for addressing deficiencies and was talking about my restless legs being back with a vengeance. Someone asked if I could be perimenopausal…

I think it’s most likely due to my iron levels increasing but it made me wonder. I’m 33. When did perimenopause start for you guys?

I’d quite like to try for children at some point in the coming years and it’s got me a bit worried!