Wondering why

I am wondering …

Am i being paranoid to question basically everything…

Do people just believe everything that they hear?

How broken is a person when its just as easy to tell a lie then be truthful…

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I’m assuming you yourself or someone you know struggles with addiction.

When we are addicted we rewire, stretch & distort, and misalign our minds & brains & habits - down to the cellular level, even into neural pathways - so fundamentally that it is no lie to say, we do not know truth from fiction. We do not know the next right step.

This is why for many, many people in recovery the first months and even years are about learning to live life, sober, “on life’s terms” as we say. It is a process of learning to be honest and accountable with ourselves & our recovery group. Only once we can do that, can we be honest in other areas of our life too.

Does that relate at all to what you’re sharing?

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Distrust can be part of codependency, which ties into addiction very, very often. In fact emotional highs and lows - including the fears tied to distrust - create intense hormonal and chemical responses in the body and the brain, which become familiar, habitual; and these can become norms for us - not always in helpful ways.

A good question to ask yourself is, is ____ helpful? If no, then what can be done about it?

A lot of recovery groups have holistic, non-specific philosophies, and are open to many people. Even if you find out it might not be a good fit for you, odds are good that one of the participants will have an idea of another place you could try:

Resources for our recovery

This thread also has lots of interesting books and readings.

I just came back from rehab …

I could use some motivation or something…i am struggling to end this relapse

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I could use some advice or something…i am struggling to end my relapse


I believe it’s not for me, or anyone, to say what level of broken a person is in the land of their addiction. The person who is living in it defines how much it has created havoc and when enough is enough. I do hope you’re done. We don’t need to lose anyone else.


Rehab is an important step. I am not very experienced with it myself (my program is with a group, an addiction recovery group), but if you search the term “rehab” in the magnifying glass up top, you’ll find many threads with lots of advice.

One thing I know helps many, many people, is going to group. Find one of the groups at the link I shared above, and go. Keep going. Try a different group if you want, explore the groups. The key is to keep on going, keep a humble, learning attitude, keep an open mind, listen to others & learn from them, especially if it’s something that you think you can’t or don’t want to do. Often those are the things that have the biggest impact.

Keep working a program and never give up. Reach out for a sponsor and work the steps. It is possible to recover, but for the vast majority of people in recovery, it is not something they do alone. If you’re feeling nervous about it now, it’s time to find some support at a group.

What was your DOC / drug of choice?


My drug of choice is cocaine…

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Hi Gideon, I’m glad you’re here. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. I think Matt gave some great advice; finding a group of like minded people to be around and talk about everything.

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Thank you…


There are lots of people here recovering from that very same thing. Search “cocaine” in the magnifying glass and you’ll find lots of threads. And off the top of my head I know @anon60334405 struggled with that before - any tips Mike on ending the relapses with cocaine / starting the sober journey?

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Hey man. Welcome to the community, yeah cocaine was definitely my thing. Ruined my life is what it did, all the lying, sneeking, money, the depression from it alone you thought would of been enough to keep me away. It seems so fun for some reason, but Everytime I did it, the awkwardness and paranoia that I got was crazy… Change up your friends man, if you have any friends that still use or anything stay away. Get Rid of or block any dealer you may have on social media or w.e… coke is actually still the drug at 120 says sober that creeps up on me the most sometimes, you just have to keep playing the tape when it sneeks up. And remember good things are coming, and like I always say is 100 bucks seriously worth a couple hour high if that, having your heart pound out of your chest thinking your about to die, chasing your dealer around all over making a fool of yourself. Idk for me the shit ruined me. I even remember times if I dropped a lil piece I’d fucking crawl on the ground to find it… Fuck that shit lol, start with some exercises and stay busy as possible man, it will get better and that lil devil will ease off I promise you can always message me to if u need to chat


Thank you guys…

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