Working sober

First day in years Ive been sober at work. Im irritated and annoyed with all my coworkers. I know part of it is because i havent done coke in almost a week. Im tired, drained, and aggitated. I should say I’m an RN. I work with cancer patients fighting to live. Its part of why I started to use daily after I lost a young patient in a traumatic death here. Im going to struggle to battle a 5yr coke addiction alone, ill lose my license if I come forward and ask for help. So here I am.


Welcome Dary. This forum has tons of information and wonderful people to help you beat this addiction. We’re all a bunch of addicts helping each other to get through life just one day at a time. Come here often and let us know when you’re struggling so we can help you. I can’t imagine how hard it is to do what you do daily and my heart goes out to you. Stay strong!! :hugs: :two_hearts:
Join us on the checking in daily thread. It’s a great form of accountability. Here’s the link:
Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7


What state do you live in? In Arkansas if you seek help on your own accord you wont lose your license BUT if your arrested for assault you can. (Arkansas is wierd)

Welcome Dary. You’re not alone since you are here. This is a great place for support. Being here helped me hugely. Maybe going to NA or CA might be an idea too for you, I don’t know. Very tough job you do. I’m a mental health nurse myself, working in a totally different field. I’m telling you I actually like my job better and function better too now I got some sober and clean time behind me. Even though I totally understand where you are (coming from). Success and strength Dary.

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