Welcome @ the start of my/our journey.
If you would like to stop taking cocaïne because its destroying your life , prepare for the journey and tune in for the ride!
I already have experience with over comming a cocaïne and marihuana addiction but after two years i relapsed.
Now i am giving it back a chanse again, but this time, not alone , this time i would like to share your my tips and tricks.
Every body has a different story why they have started taking drugs… but with these personal causes i cant help you Process. But ! I have one golden pointer for you! Listen to this : somethimes we keep thinking over and over again about situations from the past. Asking ourself over and over again the same questions… Why? How? What if? Couldnt it be? Is it because of me? Again and again again… Well, thats ok, but only if you look at it this way… we can reavaluate the past but only untill a searten point. Witch point? When is it enough? Where would that point be? Well, let me explain… you have to look to the negative things in the past like a needle.in a haystack… every negative situation is the haystack… if you look back you see only the hay… but, in every negative situation is always something positive hidden, sometimes sonsmall you almost dont see it, or you dont see it at all, thats the needle…i am not saying that when you find the needle you will have the feeling that it was worth the effort to dig in the stack of negativity, but the needle you have found is always a tool or an instrument that you can use in the future…somethimes a negative experience or situation that you are going true can tare you down , brake you,destroy you,hurt you,stres you out, what ever synoniem you like to use, and yes you can experience this for a long time. But if you reevaluate the past and look back you always need to look at the situation from this perspective: start looking for the needle in the hay stack and ask yourself : besides all this negative consequences, what is the one little positive thing that hidden in it for me? Because every time bespite what situation you are going true there is always something positive hidden underneeth it. For example, you can geth smarter from it, you can geth stronger from it, you geth harder from it, you can geth more knowledge from it, you can start doing things different from it , you can grow from it, Maybe you understand and other ones situation from the past better, Maybe you understand how someone is acting better, and the list goes on and on and on. So if you reevaluate the past, thats ok but only when you look for the positive thats hidden underneeth it. When you, after a long exhausting search have found that very small needle in the haystack it is time to leth go and stop thinking about it. Because now, you have found the one thing thats in it that you can use for the future and makes you a better person. embrace the fact that you have found this needle doesnt matter how small it is. And thats the only thing you need to hold . When you are at this point stop thinking about the past, be greatfull about what you learned and use and appreciate what you have found today to make yourself a better tomorrow.
Like i was saying : everybody has there own haystacks… we are not talking about the haystacks that you have, because everyone has different ones and a person his biggest haystack will be his biggest problem no mather how small or big the haystack is.
What i would like to talk about is the process of stopping running away from your feelings and emotions by using drugs en how to quit with them.
Today i am heavy addicted to smoking cocaïne and i smoke marihuana.
But i am ready to build myself a better tomorrow.
Who is in for the ride ?
I’ll keep you posted
Lets fucking go !