Wow, Did i really just do that?

So, as some of you know I have been clean for 3 months and 6 days from Percocet 30s. I’ve been using since 2013. Well, today I was cleaning out my work drawer and I found one. Just laying there. I stared at it for a second and had honest thoughts of taking it. (It’s just this one) but I quickly saw my sobriety calendar in my head, my family and all of you. I went right to the bath room and flushed it. It feels good to have the strength to have done that. I’ve never done that before. I am so proud of myself, but now I have anxiety from seeing it. Lol


Nicely done, that’s a HUGE victory and a testament to how commited you are to your sobriety. Great job!


Nice job spunky!!


You made the right choice. Life is full of those moments when you can go one way or the other. Each moment is a new challenge, but you rose to this one. I think you are right to be proud of yourself.


Hell yea @Spunky!!! Super proud of you!!!

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:hugs:emphasized text

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You’re right. I will have challenges pop up, I pray I pass every single one. Thank you for the supoort

Yep, that’s about what I look like dancing sober! :joy:

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Thank you!!!

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That’s awesome! I too cleaned today and found some paraphernalia. & tossed it all. It feels fantastic!


Proud of you! You did great!! :facepunch:

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Lol! Great picture. Thanks

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Me too! Thanks so much

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It really does. Glad you tossed it out too!

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That’s amazing, well done. I’m sure it wasn’t easy but you did it and you should really pat yourself on the back. You made a great choice today x

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So very proud you having the strenth to flush it rsther than take it…

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Thank you!!! It was like… “get out of here!” Lol

Thank you! I’m sorry, I’m now just seeing this. I missed it.