Wow was only a dream

Has anyone had a dream where you were drinking or using but then wake and it feels real i even started to think back to what went wrong before i realised .
Made me so happy when i did lol :laughing:


Dudeā€¦sometimes I have dreams that Iā€™m smoking meth and I wake up super amped upā€¦dilated pupils and everything. It takes about 5 to 10 min for me to calm downā€¦feels like the real thing :grimacing:


Hello, yes it is very common. Do not worry, when you wake up sensation is strange: on one side you feel relax, on the other side you are a frightened because you think you could relapse or, maybe, you are not complete sure you have not drink.

From my side it works next: relax, try to think in my sobriety, think in that dream was only a seem related with the past, and try to focus on present. Past is past.

But I know, it is an strange sensation, as if you could not forget what you were. But now you are sober, and this is the most important thing.

kind regards.


All the time. Iā€™m 5 years sober and still have em, just the other day I had one. Theyā€™ve evolved into a series where the next dream picks up where the last one left off, itā€™s kind of trippy.

Type ā€œdrinking dreamā€ in the search at the top to see how common it is! Itā€™s an interesting phenomenon.


Yes, we all have them some times I guess.
This info helped me a lot:


I had one last night ā€¦i was drinking and my mother kept telling me over and over what a disgrace of a human i wasā€¦what a terrible mother i wasā€¦the sheer dissapointment and pain in her faceā€¦exactly how she was with me when i really was in active addiction and i re lived all those feelings of pure worthlessness. I was glad to wake up this morning


Yes, I have had dreams like that. Phew, what a relief to wake up and realize it was just a dream.
The last one I had, I woke up panicked, then relieved that it was only a dream.:sunny:

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That was my doc.

It really freaks me out when it happens but i try to tell myself oh it was just a dream lol


Thanks guys yeah it was like i had gone back to old ways but this time was getting hassle for giving up it was very real as said when i woke i literally tried to rewind it back to think what i did last night like i used to in the mornings after,freaky. Thats why this forum is so good knowing others have had them means im not sitting here thinking im going mad well any madder :laughing:


Iā€™ve only had 1 drinking dream, Iā€™m newly sober so I could probably expect more. I was out in a theatre watching ballet & drinking cognac Iā€™d never go to watch a ballet & I certainly wouldnā€™t drink cognac in real life. In my dream i was saying to the face less person who was accompanying me how ridiculous this was lol
When I woke up I was very amused that my brain took me on such a random journey :joy:


:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: mine were many. I use to say meth cured me of all my addictions lol. Even alcohol, because once I tried thatā€¦nothing else was the same.

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Never had a dream where I was drinking, but I can imagine it could be quite unsettling