Y'all - the sugar cravings!

I am 25 days sober. I’ve never had a sweet tooth - until now! Wine was my DOC, and apparently I have replaced that with gallons of ice cream and sugar cookies. Please tell me that this goes away at some point. I’ve even eaten cake icing straight from the can. Really?!?


The same thing has happened with me, Ive put on loads of weight. I’m 9 months in and I still have the sugar cravings. I do still treat myself, but am trying to eat more fruit than cookies now!


Yep. Beer gave my body soooo many carbs. When I quit my body still wanted them so I started craving and eating. I make it a point to eat veggies and some fruit. I do have ice cream at night. I don’t buy snack stuff or candy so I can’t be tempted at home. I gained some weight but have started to lose it.

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Oh the sugar cravings! Very common, yes they eventually go away. As many of the other group members have suggested, try to find healthier alternatives that satisfy the craving.
And treat yoself with some ice cream from time to time! You deserve it!
Plus, it is a way to learn more about moderation and become more disciplined. Which are things a lot of us could stand to learn more about. Myself included.


From my experience, I have found that during the first couple of months of sobriety, when our body and mind is adjusting to being alcohol free, allowing yourself sugar/chocolate treats can be helpful.
It provides a deviation from the total abstinence mindset and is a kind of little reward for what has been accomplished.
As we all know, it’s not the healthiest food, but during this critical stage, in the big picture, nothing else really matters as much as not taking the first drink!
Have a sweet sober day.


I can relate completely to sugar cravings after I stopped guzzling beer. I have been helped by the 7 weeks to sobriety supplement regimen which includes chromium picolinate to help to regulate blood sugar. All the best.

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Ohhhhhh Yeah! For the first 2 months I drank coca cola every night. I didn’t fight it. After a while by body said “enough!” So I just stopped. It will taper off after a while.

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Yes it definitely tapers off. I had a huge sweet tooth the first few months as well. I still get cravings for sweets, but it is more of a human urge now, not a replacement. After a while you get cravings for healthier foods.

" It is hard to imagine life without alcohol for some, but those who don’t drink couldn’t imagine life with it."


I definitely still love the sugar. But, I always had a bit of a sweet tooth. I’ve also been buying more fruits, though to try to be sure im not just eating chocolate all day every day.

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Yes! I also had the drinking ‘salt tooth!’

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