Yellow squash.. how to cook?

Hello sober friends . My aunt gave me a bunch of yellow squash . Like 3 bags ! I figured I would throw this question on here and see what happens … what could I do with this squash? Mostly been living off Taco Bell and vodka for 10 years so I don’t know much about vegetables. Times are different . God bless … also any other cool veggies you guys cook or good health food . Thanks :grinning:

Ps … Not sure if I can post or ask fun things like this on the community but hopefully this is not a problem


Food is absolutely a hobby here!

You might get more attention (and ideas / answers) on the foodies thread - that’s where all the food fans hang out:

Foodies Unite #3 (trigger warning food) Let’s TACO ‘BOUT FOOD


Saute it up with some garlic, onion, mushroom and green peppers.
Stir together 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1 TBLS grated ginger, 1 TBLS sriracha and 1 TBLS honey
Add this ^^sauce over it and serve on some rice.


You can split in half, score it ( make slashes in it) layer on a cookie sheet, put olive oil on it and bake.
If you feel like you want cheese and extra calories look up a recipe for a squash casserole and you can do that. Any way you do it it will be delicious


I go with it coin shaped pan seared about 1/4 inch thick, a slice of mushroom, sandwiched between two cooked Italian sausage discs same size & some pasta sauce on top.


All of the above. I love it cut in half, olive oil, salt and pepper and thrown on the grill.

It’s a very versatile veggie.


This is the only vegetable that I can grow. Grilled is my favorite, but I also add it omelettes, stir fry, pretty much anything.

Yep that’s prolly the route I’d take. Throw in some tofu for protein!

Bye for now…

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I like to cut us some zucchini saute’ them both in some butter makes a great side for any dish.:broccoli::corn::poultry_leg::cut_of_meat:

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Do you mean like zucchini type yellow squash? Basically anything you could make with zucchini you can do with yellow squash.

My personal favourite is zucchini boats. But sliced and sautéed is easy and tasty too.

If you have too much you can shred it and then freeze to use later. You could make zucchini loaf or maybe to make a frittata/quiche.


Cut up, sautéed in olive oil and garlic is good. But what isnt good with olive oil and garlic. You can also cut them long ways, scoop out the seeds and stuff them.