Yesterday was hard

Yesterday was rough. Im 11 days clean today. I was so bummed out yesterday because the day before i had woke up so positive and actually felt good had energy and thought maybe I had gotten over the bump in the road as far as physical symptoms and high anxiety. Then yesterday I was a hot mess. Anxiety was super high and just a over all feeling of being hungover all day. Im hoping today is better and just trying to take it hour by hour. Did anyone else deal with this ups and downs? When did you actually notice a difference of feeling well for a long period of time? Any advice would be appreciated. My mind is starting to play tricks on me. You know the ones that say " you should probably just start drinking you dont want to feel like this forever"


And today could be rougher, But today you are stronger. :muscle:


If you woke up sober today, then you won yesterday. You got through it. You can stay sober,no matter what. No matter how you are feeling or what you are thinking.

Build your sobriety hour by hour. Here’s is a great list of resources that people here have used to get sober and to stay sober. Resources for our recovery


Still sober today :heart: I guess I was just fooling myself thinking this would be easier then I thought. I have a AA meeting this morning so hopefully that will start my day off on a positive note


I know you heard this numerous times but take one day at a time. you can expect to change everything at once. there are going to be some tough days. This is new and scary but you need to hold yourself accountable. you can do this. Keep reminding yourself why your doing this.


Yes, I went through this for months. Some aspects lasted over a year. BUT! The good periods start to last longer and the time of the bad ones get shorter. You brain needs a lot of time to adjust to this new, sober way. So many people latch on to this idea of it taking about a month for the brain to level out. But, here’s the thing… there is a chain of neurotransmitters that need changing. So, it’s normal for this to take a while. But especially in that first month you will get these ups and downs pretty acutely.

Do a search for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). It’s a thing, and knowing about it made it way more tolerable.

Don’t drink today. That’s how we do this.


Thank you so much. Your words help to ease my mind. I did not know to much info on PAWS but I will look it up to have a better understanding.

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That’s how it was for me. As soon as I started to learn that my crazy was normal I felt soooo much better! I’m very much a “well informed is well armed” type of person. Leaning about what I was going through and being reassured that it was expected and “normal” was the key to my weird version of acceptance and serenity.


Yeah i am the same way. If i dont have facts my mind races and my anxiety gets insane


Precisely! I asked my therapist and IOP councilor thousands of questions, and I asked more until I got an answer that my brain could sit with. I basically turned into that kid that started by asking why the sky is blue and then needed further answers about how it was possible. I’m still that way, and I’m creeping up on 2 years and 10 months sober. My facts might be in a different language than other people’s, but I still need them.



Congrats on your sobriety!!! Thats awesome. I will have to ask my IOP more questions and i zoom with my therapist today so hopefully I dont annoy them to much lol

They are paid to be annoyed by us! :laughing:

Seriously, every therapist I’ve ever had was very pleased with my push to understand all the things. My current one loves to say, “Megan, you know this. Now use it.” To be fair, her favorite thing to say to me is, “STAY FUCKING PRESENT, MEGAN! You know better!”

Haha, she’s worth every penny!

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Scrowe82 how are you feeling now are you ok. The worst for me were the first two weeks. Got really bad symptoms the first week than the second. Hang in there you got this

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Bottom line up front: my mood was volatile for first 8 months of sobriety

I live with chronic depression and anxiety. These issue really blossomed in early recovery. Christmas 2018 was my 6 month sobriety and I was very irritable.

I was also in the middle of working through my unprocessed BS with a therapist, which is something you can’t afford NOT to do in my opinion. There were some tough conversations and subsequent emotions coming out of digesting the content of those therapy sessions, like irritability and mood swings. I didn’t resolve the root cause of my baggage until about 8 months of sobriety, which was a feeling of pure liberation.

So my personal story was something like 8 months with varying degrees of occurrences along the way.

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Physically im better but my mind is getting crazy. Just get so aggrevated i let myself get to this point

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Thank you for sharing. I did just get in touch with a therapist so Im hoping that will help with some of the anxiety and depression im dealing with


Woo hoo! Way to love yourself enough to make that first appointment. Awesome!