You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Costco sells carpenter bee hives. A bunch of bamboo straws glued together. Might be a good choice to get one and send them an invite.


Okay so i miss alot of people on here- feels like i have lost all my february-troopers.

And then i miss my newest recovery-friend


Feel lonely, so please come back


Thank you for the shout out and for thinking of me. I’m on day 244. Life is moving QUICK! I’ll have to make time for my Talking Sober Family! I miss you ALL. Keep on keeping on people! We CAN do this!!


Anonymous sweety I am here. Every day. walking besides you. struggling with the pain but for 2 days not so much with the sobriety and that is good for a change. early now here in holland. I try and go out for a walk in nature before the world wakes up. How are you doing? Are you feeling lonley?
and also

How are you all? it is easter. the weekend for maybe deep diving into loneliness, looking at our inner strength that makes us able to bear the cross we all mortals have to carry throughout our lives

I am listening to a live stream of 11 times the hanuman chalissa sung by my former yoga teachers. hanuman is the server of the heart. singing to him is singing to god (or how we understand him) overcoming all obstacles we encounter in live.
:heart: :heart: :heart:


@Butterflymoonwoman how are you doing tonight? Just thought of you; hadn’t seen any posts from you today, unless I missed it…

4 Likes I might have missed your posts but don’t think I’ve seen you for a bit. Hope all is well.
Same as @RosaCanDo

Hope you’re both well :two_hearts:


Hi Donna, awe you made me smile :slight_smile: knowing I’m thought of is such a good feeling. I’m doing okay. Starting to manage through this isolation thing abit better. It’s becoming more of a norm now. Still struggling alittle with cravings. But I need to be on here more to check in :slight_smile: thanks for looking out for me hugs hope you’re doing alright too!


@SobeeDad, where have you been?


@Dan531 how r u doing, feel I haven’t heard from you in a lil

I’ve had my son the past 5 days. It’s been great but leaves me with little time for my phone. How are you doing?


Hi @Salty I’m still here. Having good days and bad days but still sober. Hard times for everyone so trying to focus on gratitude for what I have and meditation …trying not to think how I am probably losing my business to this. As are many people. Thanks for checking in. Sorry I havent been here as much… my head is up and down. Hugs. Means a lot.


Hey thanks for checking, doing pretty good. Been working long shifts. Coming up on 6 months soon. How about you man, how you been?


@Hidden hey Chris, happy Monday!
Edit: Tuesday, lol!
Oy vey!


That’s awesome man, glad to hear. You’ve helped me alot as well through my journey and help keep me push through, still having some tough days. But like you have said, a bad day sober is better then a good day in addiction. Today is a good day. Glad all is well

I’m glad you’re doing good man. We gotta drag each other through these early months man. I really struggled for a little while future tripping and then i realised that i don’t even want to drink. Funny shit that booze does to the brain. I do check in here everyday, i check on you if i haven’t seen any activity as well. Stay strong!

Yeah, where you at?

I miss Bob too!

@anon13078412 how are you?


@Neighbrofthebeast668 how are you?


Yeah @Neighbrofthebeast668 where the heck are you? Honestly, I was thinking about that on Monday while out of a run. What if I tripped and my head totally got crushed by a semi. How would anyone here on TS find out about my demise?

I suppose a few of you are my Facebook friends. Rachel would probably make some sort of Facebook announcement from my account…