You are missed #2 (Part 1)

I used to fantasize about wearing gloves and a mask everyday and I’ve wanted Los Angeles to be a ghost town for as long as I can remember.
I guess you gotta be careful what you wish for. #TheSecret


Hi all! @aircircle @Yoda-Stevie day 634 or something I think is what my counter read. Life is going! I’m finally at a stage with my kids where I am ready to truly return some focus to my own self, especially on the physical front. I have an offer to have aikido classes paid for, and I’m really excited at the prospect of learning how to defend and protect myself and my kids.
Hubby is still my sober buddy, and I am grateful for this latest and greatest version of ourselves we’ve made.

I hope everyone here has a blessed beautiful sober day…at home… Haha :yellow_heart:


Good to see you @DanielleRae!!


So great to hear! Awesome news about the Aikido classes. Get some!

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:heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::brown_heart::black_heart::white_heart: Wish you’d stick around with us a while!


It’s great to hear from you. Thanks for checking in.

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Lol! Yeah I keep falling off the face of the earth somehow :woman_shrugging: But I like making my way back on here where the cool kids hang out​:grin:


I saw your photo somewere, I think it was at the sober selfies tread? You looked great! Glad to hear you are all fine!!

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It’s so wonderful to hear from you!!! So good to hear you are doing so well :hearts: :bird:

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Heyy :slight_smile:
Is that a woodpecker in your profile pic

They are my favorite type of bird and theyre very smart

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Yes, it’s a red- bellied woodpecker, I love seeing them.

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My roommate has a woodpecker feeder on the porch and i see them all the time.

If you use a kind voice and the right words they get closer and they are freakin adorable

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@LEEJR hey you; how’s things? Miss seeing you around here!


Hi Donna. All is good. How bout you?


Hi!! I’m doing good here; had a pity party last night but it passed. I can’t wait to be around people again. I think I’m changing from a loner to a social butterfly, lol
I made it passed my 30 days!! 34.16 to be exact, my best yet!:blush:
How’s things out there.? I forget your pooches name…


My neighbor’s porch is a woodpecker feeder. He’s got some kinda bee that drills holes and lays eggs in the railings, and the woodpeckers make bigger holes getting the larva.


Congrats!!! Keep up the progress. That’s good to hear. Weezer is her name.


Carpenter bees. I had them living in my shed last year.

I had never heard of them until then.

Not dangerous/aggressive, nor do they generally cause considerable structural damage, thankfully. The holes are generally meant for one bee, they don’t build extensive colonies like termites.


True. The holes are small, like someone used a 1/4" drill bit. Smooth, perfectly round…until a woodpecker comes. Then the hole gets widened significantly and is rough. Woodpeckers are protected species.

My neighbor plans to have the deck replaced with composites. I’ll have to watch to make sure the bees don’t move over my way.


Yup, the holes I had were exactly like that, as if it they were done by a drill. Very precise and smooth. It baffled me for some time, until I put 2 and 2 together, and took to google.

I’d see the bees hovering around the shed. If you were in the shed and remained still and quiet, you could hear them scratching and burrowing.

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