You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Anyone seen @Conor689908?


I know @Conor689908 has

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Oh wow!
I remember @Conor689908!
Take about blast from the past. Hey @Conor689908, can you let @Conor689908 know I’ve been looking for him?
He’s missed.


Hey @AyBee, if @AyBee gets a hold of @Conor689908, and @Conor689908 can pass on @AyBee’s message that I gave @AyBee on to @Conor689908, could @AyBee tell @Conor689908 to pass on to @Conor689908 that I said hi?

Edit: Sorry for bumping such a zombie thread.


How are you doing @Melrose?

I can try @ifs. Haven’t seen @AyBee around either but if i see him I’ll tell him to pass the message on


:blue_heart::blue_heart: thank you. Was doing OK but relapsed again. So. Starting again. Again again.
But still here. Trying.


In person meetings never really stopped here, at least the one I’m attending 3x per week. It’s been a lifesaver! I’m happy to hear you are able to race, now that I have been missing! Still training, but with no gym and no races, it’s very different. Be well, chum.:slightly_smiling_face:


That is all great news!!! Happy for you!!!

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The journey to sobriety is one of the hardest, most gruelling journeys a human can take. It tests your physical limits, wrenching you into a new dietary and nutritional and lifestyle routine. It tests your psychiatric and psychological limits: it requires you to re-weave, re-direct neural and behavioural pathways that you have established to cope, in life (and that have served you - honestly, they have been your net, your messed-up-but-coping net - for years). It tests your spiritual / psychosocial limits, forcing you, often for the first time - years after your peers - to hold yourself to account, and to understand who you are in relation to others, and who your self is, as a person who relates to others and to the world.

It sits you down and holds your eyes open and says, “Look. Look! This is the world! These are the expectations! These are the precedents! This is the burden, the balance, the opportunity, the risk.” And you want to run, you desperately want to run - you’re terrified because of how deeply, how fundamentally misaligned you are. Are you one who can walk the path?

Very few other human activities ask so much, so fundamentally, of us. Down to our very identity, our very being. Recovery from addiction is one of the few that demands that we work on that.

I’m looking forward to seeing Chris again too. He is a worthy person. He deserves a sober, safe life where he can be his full, secure self.


I’m glad. I think there is a lot going on, for all of us. :slightly_smiling_face: I find your posts invigorating too. I remember one of a crow on a church (was it a church?) in particular. Not many would catch that as they walked! Also your memes, I like your taste on the memes thread.

I’m grateful to be able to share the journey with you and I value your insight - thank you :innocent:


@anon13078412 how are you mate. just got a subliminal message and had to call out to you :grin:


@Drunk2Sober how you doing buddy?


@anon35096624 you were searching me, now I am searching you :blush: hope everything is fine!



I hope things are going ok.


I also hope she’s ok!

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Blissfull is a naive word for it… Hard work and challenging, but amazing and the best thing (one of the best things) I’ve ever done is more like it. I would have never thought this could be MY life just 3 yrs ago, but thanks to God here I am. And now expecting our baby come October! Life has been busy and crazy and mundane and full all at the same time. I really do need to check in here more. Just over 900 days sober now! An all time record for this chick. Anyway I snoop around on here now and then silently and try to keep up a little. I hope you are well and staying strong…and wise. As im sure you are. :blush:


Hi Julia is ok I message her lots so I’ll let her know u was asking after her xxx

Thank you, so good to hear that…!

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Thank you so much for thinking of me @Joyce19. I’m not so good at the moment. After 7 months of sobriety I lost it. And now I am starting again
But I am not giving up. Ever. Starting with the 30 day experiment again today. I helped me so much last time. And I have decided in coming back to TS. That’s what helped me staying sober for so long. I hope you are doing good :heart: