You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Hey @anon35096624 7 months are great, this sober time is still inside you. Congratulations, I never made it such a long time. Do something good for you, take care :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Hey my beautiful nat ,I’m ok still here just taken a step back from ts as my presence is needed fully at home at this weird ass time in life ,but I do miss u all.hopefully there maybe light at the end of tunell after a hard few months .love you sweet lady​:rainbow::heart:


Hey Paul I messaged him on DM on whatapp he said he was crazy busy at work?¿!


Good seeing you Em - I missed you too! :innocent:

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You there @Kristel? Hope you’re ok love. Last time you dropped off for a few months and then came back; I know those were tough times. Hoping you’re ok :innocent:


@ELO you still here? Can you manage sobriety?

Hey @Matt ditto my friend it’s been abit of a uphill battle my friend but I’m here doing the right next thing ,been needed at home whilst the world went into isolation but in the UK there maybe alittle light how are you my dear friend :star2:


I know it’s only been 2 days but I’m a bit worried about Kyle @GVLNative after his bike crash. Hope you’re ok friend.


Im still here…fell down twice since i started but staying positive. Ive reached out to friends to help with my accountability


I’m doing well. Was very fortunate to be able to keep my job, which has helped me, though I had to be careful to disinfect. My family and friends are safe thank god, so I have a lot to be grateful for. Counting my blessings :innocent:

Take care Em. It’s good seeing you. Lots of love to you and your kids

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Hey @Matt . Im doing good thanks . Off the drink 11 days … sorry just been keeping myself busy with the house and spme gardening and also a lot of mediation. The mediation is really working and its something new . The app is great , its called sanvello if ur interested. Thanks for thinking of me x


Wow Sanvello looks great! I’m glad it’s working for you, and I’m glad you’re doing ok. Take care of yourself, keep being kind to yourself - you’re a good person and you matter. Take care Kristel :smile:

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Does anyone know how @MissJ is doing? I sincerely hope she is well.


Did anyone get a report on this?


We’re in touch, she’s doing great! :slight_smile:


So glad to hear, give her a :v: for me.

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For sure, will do!

This is so good to hear. So happy that you and your family are thriving! Keep getting better at getting better!

@Ken37 how are you doing man

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@Gustavo3 and @Gerard_O_Connor… how are you guys doing? Hope you are both well. Tx

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