You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Is @bobisgone not here anymore?

No, she’s not. :neutral_face:

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Ok, thanks. That’s disappointing to hear.

She took a self suspension til Dec 1st.

I miss my friend @BillS, haven’t seen him pop in for a long time. Such a good guy.

Hope you’re doing great, Bill.

I’ll add @ChicagoT too, another great person I’ve met through here – I think I saw you mentioned here somewhat recently and you popped in to say hi, but you’re still missed nonetheless :slight_smile:


Hey! Good to see you’re back here though!
I know she’s on Facebook, but I can’t sell my soul to the alien in charge. He’s too scary.

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Hey! Yeah, it’s been a while. Sorry, busy schedule, mostly. Been trying to get on with my life and what not. I hope you are doing well! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m doing fine, so no worries.


@Hazy. Where you hiding.
I’ve still got faith in you!

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Yeah man, I think of @ChicagoT a lot too. Great guy.
Also @Girlinterrupted but great to hear she is good and busy.
@liv_m you returned to my delight, then seem to be a little quiet… Which is ok, but think about you and hope you are well.
Finally @AyBee where are you? You are soooo cool and handsome.


Wonder where @RetainKing is?


Thank you my friend. And thanks @TMAC. Really appreciate the shout out from you fellas. I read more than I post these days, but I truly do think about this place and lots of people here frequently, including you guys. I’m gonna start posting more! Got to stay connected here, lest I drift too far. Coming up on two years this month!


@anon27760155 hope you’re doing okay! Haven’t seen you post in a few days and I miss the inspiring words!

I’m about just had a lot to digest but I’m still go strong have not broken my sobriety… Thank you ill get back to inspiring soon enough I’m sure.

Hope your okay?


Yep! Doing well, glad you’re still around :+1:

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Binge after binge after binge just happy to be alive


I’m sorry all you can do is get back on the horse and try again. You can and will do it once you are ready. Take care :blush:


@Betterbee or @Betterbee42 I always liked her. She was cool. Hope she comes back


@Spartan_Chris. Where are ya


@Petes40 ? and how about @Ricmills ? You guys doing ok? I sure hope so!

I’m still here :joy:

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