You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Yeah, i feel like it’s been a few days since we’ve seen @apes2020! I miss her! April, I hope everything’s good in your world…


Hey Lisa, I’m doing well.
Been busy studying (and procrastinating)
I go to post sometimes and then think I can’t reply to everyone and end up not doing anything :woman_shrugging:
Thanks for thinking of me :pray:


It’s nice to see you taking care of your own needs. I’m just happy to hear you’re doing well.

Doing good Donna,
Thanks for checking. I been sticking close to my home group and life has been great. Starting to get chilly here in Alaska, my heat has been messed up for about a month, for a while it was stuck in hot heat, over 95 in my Hobbit hole til the plumbers came and now it’s not turning back on and waiting to hear back from them. Have learned some patience from this experience. How are you doing?


Oh no!! I hope they get it right soon!
I’m doing good, thanks. I’m still enjoying 80 degree weather, hopefully it’ll be in the 70s soon. It’s getting busier here in FL so it makes me extra vigilant about covid precautions.
I’m happy to hear from you, lady! You’re a rock star!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::raising_hand_woman:

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@Mychelle hope all is well


Hey Mike! Day 80 today! I’m doing great! I got a job, still attending meetings everyday. I will start chairing once I’m at 90 days. Doing Step work, talking to my sponsor daily and staying busy. I hope you’re doing well! How have things been for you?


@Just_Laura how are you, lady?


@M-be-free49 @Charlie_C hey y’all… Just seen your posts now :grin:… I’m OK, literally have been asleep the past week. I got up today and went out for groceries so that’s a positive thing… Thanks for checking in on me. :grin:


Hey girl that’s awesome, I always know your doing good but miss seeing your post. Super proud of you, glad to hear all is well. Congrats on 80 and almost 3 months and then gonna be in the tripple digits.
I’m doing good, starting to hit up my meetings again, and going to be doing my step work soon. No complaints


Super happy to hear you’re doing so well. Miss your check ins but you got do what you got to do. And it sounds like you’re doing it. So happy for ya. Congrats on your 80 days.

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Thank you so much! That makes me truly happy that you’re back in meetings. I look at step work, although not easy always, but like soul cleansing. Taking a good look at ourselves and putting it down so we don’t have to carry it. I’m super proud of you! As life gets busier I sometimes worry if I’m still doing enough work on myself, but I know as long as I don’t use/drink, I will always have time to continue this journey and catch up. I am thankful my meetings are twice a day so I can go to the night ones after work. Those rooms have played a major role in keeping me clean! I’m so proud of you! Keep up the good work! :clap::yellow_heart:

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Thank you! I miss reading y’alls posts and replies! I will stay focused and determined, because God had begun a good work in me, and he will bring it to full completion! Have a great sober/clean Wednesday!

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@pants looks like your account is no longer here so I can’t tag you. Hope you’re well


Yes I haven’t seen her for a long time either. I hope she’s doing ok.


Still missing @Kels.


@GVLNative Kyle are you ok brother? I feel like I haven’t seen you in awhile. Hoping you’re safe.


@anon66577191 Where ya been, man?


:rofl::rofl::rofl: @anon60334405 probably ran him off the forum with his selfies. @anon66577191 was jealous.


@anon60334405 is cooler anyway.