You are missed #2 (Part 1)

Jené !!


sacré bleu!!
tu as volé ma pipe à bulles!
mes pets à bulles n’ont pas d’échappatoire. l’heure du bain ne sera pas amusante!


Jené … I think I got it now. Thanks @AyBee!! This forum has taught me so much more than just sobriety. :blush:


You won’t drink, because you don’t drink? You’re a non-drinker!


100% non-drinker. :grin:


:slight_smile: I decided to check in this morning and what a nice surprise! My accented “e” has been a point of contention for many over the years. My birth certificate even has it “penned” in over the 1969 typewritten letters.

I am hanging in there. Fighting, not losing, but faltering. I do have a lot of work and a lot of school and a nice big ol’ dose of teenagers. @Dazercat - One of our friends never refers to me without going Gump. @Lisa07 Thanks for popping my name in here. It matters, a lot!


It’s nice to see you Jené. You know we’re all thinking about you when a topic is totally derailed over your name. :joy:


Hi @Salty :wave:

Hope you are well and keeping that meme thread ticking along :wink:

I needed a bit of a break, you know how it is. Things have been really tough for me over winter, but the days are starting to get longer now which makes the world of difference. And I’m still sober, infact today is exactly 2 years!!! How about that eh. Really never thought I’d be here now
when I started my hundredth day 1 back then.

This second year has been rough, just awful for so many reasons. I won’t labour the point but my second year was soooo much harder than the first. But it ends with some positivity as I’m currently in the process of buying my first house which is stressful but exciting and something that would never have happened if I hadn’t gotten sober. A fresh start and a new home after a tough year.

And I’m still tobacco/nicotine free, 7 months now :grinning:

Looking forward to having a look around to see what I’ve missed :+1:


Sorry you’ve had a rough time Mike, but it’s so great to hear from you :sweat_smile::kissing_heart:

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How’s it going @Truckinmonster21?


@Mephistopheles, Tomi goes it going? And the other Tom, @ChicagoT, you good bruh?


Still here Dan! Day 818 and feeling good! 2021 off to a good start for you my friend?


Hi. I tripped and fell. I’m trying to get back up before I start losing shit again. It’s not easy. :pray:


Oh Chris I’m so sorry. You are so strong though. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Sending you strength and support. Glad you are back. :yellow_heart:

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Thank you so much!

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Going through a bad divorce right now. Im checking in now and again. Thanks


Glad to see you Mav. It’s a hard time for you but remember: you’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where you can be your full self. Take care brother :smile:

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I just finished a Zoom meeting in Amsterdam, it’s one of my faves. They start with 10 minutes of meditation, and that adds a lot for me. I’m glad to see that day count of yours, keep it up!

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I’m glad to hear from you. Our attitude is a choice, that’s an excellent reminder for me today! :pray:

@Jane1 how are you doing? Feel like I haven’t seen you in a bit.