"You can't wait till life isn't hard before you decide to be happy" ~ Nightbirde

This quote hit me so hard… i think it exemplifies my mood and mindset since quit drinking. I drank because I feel stuck in a boring life. Work, play video games and watch videos, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Well said. This is a hard one for me. I’m working on staying in the present moment to avoid all my “someday when I’m…” statements.


I love Nightbird. I have a tattoo on my arm in her honor. She is so inspiring. She lives on in my heart forever. Her example of courage and strength keeps me steeping forward in my own fight for well being. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Thank you. That is a great idea! I have been looking for a new tattoo idea… i think i might actually put the quote on me somewhere… hmm… you have a great day too!

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I’m 50. I am the bread winner and an so ready to get off the hamster wheel and start living.