You might be an alcoholic if

You’ve drank cooking wine or mouthwash when stores are closed and you’re out
You’ve snuck other people’s alcohol without permission
You’ve finished other people’s drinks if they can’t
You’ve spiked your beer or wine with liquor
You’ve entered the wrong sex public restroom to pee


Putting wodka in a plastic soda bottle with water and place it on your desk at work in plain sight. Of course also drinking from it……

Sneak out during lunchbreak or whenever at some point, get in the car were some DOC is or drive to get some. Letting your colleagues wonder were you are……


I know someone who was so drunk and high on his doc that he was out in the street at 2am searching for his cat that had passed away 3 years previously, horrendous


Ive fallen and hit my head and face a few times in the past couple years…im on day 4 again. I hope you continue. your post resonated with me because of my close calls lately seem to be a sign too its time to escape the cycle and quit for real.


You might be an alcoholic if you leave your phone at a phone booth after making drunk call wishing everyone happy new year

Happened in ’ 92 lol


Just gave myself a concussion this past weekend due to my drinking. Also on day 4, sending love and healing 🫶🏼


Thank you to everyone for sharing these experiences. I see very many similar to MANY of my own. Somehow seeing others put it out there helps me remember: These are things we’ve done NOT who we are.
Here’s mine: I terrified my husband the last long weekend because all I did for 3 days when I was awake (which wasn’t much) was drink. So basically, each time I woke up, I’d drink to kill any hangover/withdrawal pain. This wasn’t the first time I had done this, but something about this particular incident really scared the hell out of him and my normally non-confrontational husband let me know, in no uncertain terms.
Let’s face it, I’m 52 and already was well aware of my alcoholism. This hellish weekend did prompt a renewed commitment to sobriety. Still, I get these thoughts, like “Who does this???” and the shame over the harm I’ve caused just feels like too much sometimes.


Just replying from message June 14. Relapsed on day 29 . Now I am celebrating 29 days sober. Hang in there…I joked with my husband I am such a better driver sober…


I found a video I took years ago of my ex and want to add a real gem to this thread:
you might be an alcoholic if your wife arrives happy to see you, realizes you are drunk & stinking at 9 a.m., you call her names and are mean with no understanding why she is upset, hurt and crying and then you ly down on the blank floor in the unfinished, unfurnished house and pretend you are asleep while she freaks out in hurt and frustration.
The main reason why it’s called ex now.


Oh yeah, I loved the boxed wine tricks. Good grief. Glad that is behind us.

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If you are traveling out of state and a couple hours before arriving to your destination you check what time the liquor store closes. So you can plan accordingly.


You don’t want to eat a meal because you don’t want to lose your buzz. That leads to 48 hrs of no eating… I’m sick just thinking about it.


you don’t have alcohol in the house.


You go to visit friends and bring your ownsix pack in case they might not have any alcohol at home.


When you have enough alcohol in your system to be intoxicated, but you buy another bottle for the “just in case” I don’t have enough tonight or when I wake up.


I did this constantly. Especially for the next day. There were days where I thought I’d have enough, go through everything ,pass out and then waiting while very hungover for the store to open the next was agonizing. I’m never going through that again


@Jasty2 the passing out and waking up at the crack of dawn with withdrawals waiting for the store to open up . I’d pace back and forth and have the most unnerving feelings and lack of appetite. Those were some brutal mornings. I do not miss that feeling at all , with you on that one.
Those mornings minutes used to feel like hours, and hours felt like eternity.


Read through this thread today. Oh man talk about relatable haha.

So many similar behaviors getting repeated in many of the posts, and many of them that had happened or been part of my previous life.

Truely shows we are not alone in this


You buy 2 litres of vodka so you don’t have to walk to the local shop at 7 a.m to buy another one. Instead I can go in the afternoon when I have finished the first 2!!


If you religiously pick up your 5-7 nips (depending on the day) and a pack of butts (when you keep quitting both) and drive home.

If you get 2 DUI’s in a year, and total your car on the second one causing a complete emotional meltdown, you need to sell your house and move your family in to your dads basement and start over.

If you have to tell everyone this and they are going to be SO SURPRISED because, no way she’s changed so much….