You’re feelings are valid 🖤


Hope this is okay to post. I was feeling this very strong this morning and I wanted to send support to others who might be feeling this as well :black_heart::black_heart:


I think it’s an important message.


Thank you :black_heart::black_heart:

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I feel you. I haven’t talked to my pops in a few months.

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It’s been a little over a year now. Cut ties days before Father’s Day last year.

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I get it for a couple reasons. I always wanted childeren and never had any…so it was a hard day for me. (It was good excuse to get completely drunk back in the day)…

Now, Ms. Monkey’s 3 kids have cut all ties with their dad. Her daughter had “Scott appreciation day”…she cooked me breakfast. All three had a shitty Friday and Saturday (they all live apart now)…kind figured it was part of what today was. They didnt have a father they wanted to celebrate.


Sorry for your struggles friend. I feel you and this needs to be heard and talked about. it’s a bit comparable to how people feel that are all alone at Christmas or Thanksgiving.
My own dad wasn’t much of a dad. A gentle man with basically a good heart, which he showed -no joke- by doing some really good stuff in politics. But absent as a father, and as a husband too.


Love the Scott appreciation day :black_heart:

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I’m sorry :black_heart: I know the feeling of wanting your dad to be there and wasn’t.

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My father would be the life of the party. A minister and salesman. People always said how fun he was. At home he was a monster and was mentally, emotionally and physically abusive towards us kids and my mom. Unfortunately I never had a good relationship with him and was always scared of him. Finally as an adult I decided to cut ties due to him acting that way towards my own children and that was the last straw.


I very much feel this post. Thank you for it. :heart:

I was a daddy’s girl during my early childhood but that all changed when he left my mom after 23 years of marriage for a woman he was having an affair with. I was 13. My mom forced me to go to his house for visits. I didn’t want to go. When I was 16 I was finally given the option to not go. I stopped going to his house. His new wife had a daughter about my age. He adopted her and sent her to a private school. A private school that was down the road from my school. Also a school I wanted to go to but my mom couldn’t afford it. When my mom was sick and passing I found out so much I never wanted to know about my dad. I will forever have resentment towards him and our relationship is strained at best now. I’m sure I’ll wish him happy Father’s Day at some point today just to be civil


Thank you for sharing your story :black_heart: I know the hurt you feel as I feel the same with my father. I hold resentment as well and honestly am not sure if I will ever forgive him. You are so strong for pushing through and making it to where you are now :black_heart:

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I appreciate your post. It’s been 8 years for me. I think all of the societal expectations to honor your parents no matter what the damage played a big part in my staying connected longer than I should’ve. My father was a huge topic when I first started with a trauma therapist, and of course things still continue to come up, but I am so grateful that I don’t hold all of that anger anymore. Thinking about him, about our relationship, used to seriously fill me with rage. I am free of that. It feels great to look back and see the progress there but the overall situation stills brings so much sadness. Hard day for sure. I’m glad to hear you protected yourself and your kids. Thank you for sharing this message today


That is really so great to hear that you are free from that anger and I hope that one day I can have that as well. Thank you for sharing your story and know that you have support from me :black_heart:

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