You’re not a victim of your own thoughts

Tonight my meditation session was titled “Freedom From Your Thoughts - Not Victims of Thoughts” & the main idea was to accept your thoughts as being part of who you are. Even the bad ones, or the scary ones. Your thoughts are an extension of who you are. Just like your voice is an extension of who you are & how you express yourself, so are your thoughts. So instead of worrying how/why you think or feel the way that you do. Accept them as a part of you.

I just felt that was so beautiful not to share with you all. I’ve been thinking about why I have certain thoughts & where are they coming from & yadda yadda but this particular meditation made me feel calm & at peace with myself for having my own thoughts. If you want to check it out just search the aforementioned title in the app “Simple Habit”

Sending good vibes!


Thanks for posting this.

I look at it like all my thoughts and emotions are valid. I have no control over having them. Its what I choose to do with them that is important.


The thoughts in my head are a product of fear, anger, resentment and some other stuff. Great post and so true. I gotta learn how to meditate, what helps me at the moment is music and reading books.


Thanks for sharing: it’s what I need to hear, but struggle to accept. You have good points, though and I plan to work towards learning to appreciate my thoughts and handle them better. :slight_smile:


Attitude & Gratitude! I like it.

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I love the Simple Habit app because each episode starts off with “Welcome to Simple Habit. A daily vacation for your mind.” Music & reading are great “vacations” as well! It’s all about what makes YOU relax & cope.

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We’re all a work in progress. Acceptance & appreciation for your thoughts means you can begin to accept & appreciate that extension/expression of yourself. I think a lot of us put waaaaay too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect when, in fact, it’s the imperfections that make us perfectly human. Keep loving yourself for everything you are!


thanks i will check it out.

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Thanks for the encouragement! Keep up the good work, yourself! :slight_smile:

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Ah that’s so true! Thank you for sharing this, I lose sight sometimes and it’s great to be reminded.

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