You restart your clocks if you have a beer?

Imagine going on a sobriety forum and being told that:
“consuming your DOC is not being sober.”

Then getting mad at the negative responses digging through your rationalization.

Best of luck to you. :+1:


Feck it,im reposting this reply after deleting it for a few mins.

Excuse me???


Were you referring to the OP or to my reply?

1 Like

The OP,apologies to anyone who doesnt agree but i find the post/question stupid




@Wranglerwren I’m gonna try a different response to your question. As many others have pointed out this is a sobriety forum…so the assumption is you desire not to consume alcohol at all. I’ve done moderation and sobriety with varying degrees of success. Sobriety is different for everyone, but counting sober days and still getting hammered and/or drinking regularly isn’t by definition, sobriety.

HOWEVER, just because you have chosen to drink occasionally doesn’t take away from all of the days you haven’t had a drink…what you are actually counting and whom you are counting it for is up to you to decide. While it is still a success in the long run, it just doesn’t meet the perameters of sobriety as it is commonly defined.

If you are more interested in moderation, there is a great app (paid app) called Reframe that allows you to choose either a reduction or abstinence track to follow with the ultimate end goal of a healthier you. Check it out…it was instrumental in my journey to 2+ years of sobriety, as was this forum. But if you don’t want to stop completely, then maybe this forum isn’t the right fit.

I can tell you from experience the people in this forum are incredibly supportive, but also brutally honest. If you ask a question about if you can be sober and still drink, smoke, or otherwise ingest your DOC, expect a truthful response and one which really isn’t open for debate.


Oh well I guess sober folks keeping it real aren’t for everyone :woman_shrugging:…… this forums called talking sober not talking let’s have a go at the weekend and occasionally get hammered… what you have 662 days at I cannot fathom but abstinence is something you may have five or six days of :+1:


@19801 and one day of allowing myself to drink would only open the flood gate back to everyday. Like it would for many others here.


Part of admitting my powerlessness over alcohol was when my sponsor pointed out that if I were able to drink one day a year the way I wanted to, with no consequences, that I would obsess the other 364 days about that one day.


As this was the first topic that I have read from beginning to end I thought maybe I would chime in. It really seemed to take a turn when he responded feeling that everybody was unfriendly and I can say that in my nearing one month on this platform I can say that this group is anything but unfriendly or unwelcoming you have all been absolutely amazing and it has been a huge help in getting me towards one month t- 11 hours and 18 minutes. My DOC is a little bit difficult to label what is considered using or sober or intoxicated and I have no issues with any substances so it’s a little bit difficult to say exactly what applies in this kind of circumstance but I would tend to do agree with all of you that if your DOC is alcohol then having anything to drink would constitute having to reset the clock as you are not sober. I would suspect that in terms of alcohol sobriety would be considered having a blood alcohol level of 0.00 and although you may not be drunk after one beer you would not be sober and any test would show that. I really hope that this person can find the help that he wants and can proceed down a path that makes him happy whether that is here or somewhere else but I just wanted to once again say how great everybody has been and how much I have enjoyed being on here and how helpful it has been. Thank you to everybody




If you can have 1 beer a week and not go on a bender then odds are you are not an alcoholic. A true Alcoholic/Addict doesnt stop after 1 or wait all week for another. If you can honestly do that then more power too you, but why count days like you are staying sober?


LoL that is my real story… never had dui… worked all my life. Come home or after work have 4 or 5 beers… maybe ya ll get slobbering drunk every time you drink…i never have or did. But i do drink to much…maybe got trashed 3 times a month… 67 been drinking funtionally sin e 16… not my fault ya ll get piss drunk every time yku drink… i dont an never have… but i do consider my sel with a problem…
So your assumotion is totalky off base an wrong… your making judvements on your! Experinces of being an addict… Not mine… yiu should try be less judgemental an understand not allllll lie about there drinking… Good Day.

This is an interesting one I have to say but everyone’s drinking is different but I know from my own experience I can’t have just one beer once I start I drink till I fall over but I would say and only you will know what kinda relationship you have with alcohol you need to be extremely careful


You asked a question about resetting/restarting your “clock”

Specifically, “I don’t count this as relapse or not stopping. Do you all.“

“Me i just dont see it as starting myclock over…But want to play by theRules!“

Based on the responses you received it seems you have your answer.

“Question is I have maybe a beer On the weekend now and then.“

“But i do drink to much…“

“but i do consider my sel with a problem…“

I would suggest you reread your post(s) and try to answer your own questions because it is unlikely you are going to get any different answers than you already have.

BTW. There are no “rules.” It’s your counter. Reset it or not. You are the only one that can (or need to) accept that you have a problem.

For me, the idea of being sober from a substance only makes sense if I completely abstain. If I drank, I would reset my counter. :peace_symbol:


Maybe you don’t have a drink problem but you seem to have a attitude problem I’ve read this whole thread now and having a go and belittling people

That’s no way to talk to anyone this is a community for helping support people to STOP there addiction


You use the words “hammered” and “trashed” to describe your own drinking, not me.


I really hate to intrude but isn’t this cute… seems a bit chilly in here.

Practice kindness that is my motto… only an opinion.


Hi let’s start again…… :people_hugging:If you consider yourself as having a problem with alcohol you are welcome on this forum and people are trying to help .I think this thread has been exhausted and I’m thinking resetting clocks is not the real issue here. I maybe wrong I very often am :woman_shrugging:would you like to stop drinking for good so it’s not a problem for you anymore ?


Seems like you got the drinking thing under control then. Not sure a sobriety forum will do you much help.

I know for me I get hammered 0 times a month. In fact it’s 84 months since I’ve had a sip of alcohol. It’s been 84 months since I’ve had to wonder about resetting my clock. It’s been 84 months since I’ve drunkenly misspelled a bunch of words while fighting with strangers on the internet. It’s been 84 months of peace and serenity.

If you think you have a problem then stick around. Stop looking for all the differences you have with everyone and look for the similarities.