Youngest son's 1st yr Death day my 2day clean day

@CaptAZ wow… thnkx 4ur wrds of encouragement… I feel dead already but alive like a wlking zombie I like the way u put it… I hope I can get a week 2therapy so I can start living again

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I always tell myself that they are only trying to help. If they knew how heavy grief really felt, they would just hug, and take a deep breath, and check in, and bring dinner…
Sometimes, you have to ask for it.

It always felt to me like as soon as the funeral was over, a lot of people just assumed everything went back to normal. But thats not even close to the rebuilding that takes place after.
Death brings a rebirth to the living, and it can be very difficult.


You said it so perfect everybody has nothing to say to me and this a has to do with my son’s death sometimes I just want someone to say something other than that But it seems as if that’s all I’m seen as now The mother whose son died too young

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Right. I want to talk about it but, when i do i get all this advice i didnt ask for from people who have no clue about the pieces im trying to pick back up.
I dont want my grief to define me, i just want to grasp as much wisdom as i can from this experience, and find out who this new version of myself is.
We are so much more than just our hardships.
So much more than people who have faced loss.
Thats just the tip of the iceberg, really.


I agree w/tht I’m now seen as THTS HER… David’s mom… Shorti… thn I feel like it turns in2 who’s gonna ask how he died?? &thts sucks!! Not 1person asked how was he alive wht kind of person was he?? Anyways I might start soundings confusing

Congratulations on day 2. Those days of pain will continue to come. However, being clean will help with who you are. I can read that you really want to be better, clean and sober. One day at a time! Congratulations again on day 2. Try finding something positive and add day 3. I’m in your corner.

Shorti, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved son. The emotional pain you are in is more than one person can bare. That’s why a support group for parents who have lost children would be a help to you. They understand what you are going through because they are going through it.

Congratulations on staying sober. Drinking will not make anything better it will just make you feel worse. Drinking yourself into oblivion works for a few hours but you wake up and all of the pain and grief comes crashing back down on you. Have you tried reading the AA Big Book? It really explains why we are alcoholics. Maybe when that makes sense to you you can begin to live sober. You can’t do this alone, you need people to help you. Help with your sobriety and help you with the soul crushing emotions you are going through. There is a whole world wide community here to help you stay sober. We can only help if you ask for help. One day at a time.