Your daily cravings/addiction out of 10...Whats you number today?

  1. Don’t remember when I had my last real craving honestly. Even on the stressful days, drinking is not what I think about.

I would say 5 is manageable. I’m never going back, so that’s what I always have on my mind lately too. I dont try and stop the cravings just let them be.

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Day 4 for me and I would say I’m at a 0 today, however we all know how fast that can change, but for now I’m doing good. My biggest trigger is weekends, that’s when the friends start calling or visitors show up at your house.

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today mine is 0. zero desire. i like the HALT method when i have cravings. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Zero cravings as I’m trying to work out what two different occurrences of my chest feeling like it’s got a weight on it might mean. I reckon it’s lack of cake :sweat_smile::cake::joy:


Ivw just woken up and am getting ready for work. Is say im at a 2 at the moment.

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I was going to ask can I go to -10 as cravings are not part of my life anymore.

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Don’t worry about hoping to be like that one day.
Just spend today working on your mindset. Changing your attitude to drinking. And the rest will come in time. We didn’t learn to walk overnight
I made my peace with the fact that I can no longer drink. So I am a non-drinker now, tee-total if you like.
I no longer see myself as missing out on anything so I no longer have cravings.
Apart from a little slip a few weeks ago where I had to convince myself that a bottle of beer was not a good thing. But I’ve talked about that in Dasindogs “Moderation” thread.

If you want. I started this thread more for peeps that are still struggling with cravings/addiction where its still a constant burden etc. 0 is amazing. Hope i feel that someday

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You obviously missed the joke in my words.
It’s more of just giving evidence to everyone struggling that there is an end.
One day you will be there, how long it takes depends very much on the individual and how they tackle their sobriety.
I’ve heard of people who still struggle at two years! Based on my own experience and what I’ve learnt of other people, by then one should be living a new normal.
As I said, I guess it’s up to the individual

0 For 3 decades , effort and desire and it works keep on trucking


Today im feeling 0 ! Nothing nada zip zelch out of here its almost as if those feelings or thoughts become almost nothing to you anymore as im coming up on my first year of no alcohol i even forgot how it tastes or smells no emotional physical attachment to it at all .


Smoking is at a 6/7 today.
Alcohol 2.

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Morning. Cigs a strong 4 and alcohol a 2 for today.

A big fat zero BC today I choose not to give my addiction the driving seat to my day. Xx


Im actually happy with the numbers as i said at the start of the thread… It helps me articulate how good or bad the addiction is from day to day or even hour to hour. Also its a low number then thats positive.

No i dont think i did. You saying focus on positive instead of numbers and im saying that a low number reminds me that its positive.

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Zero for me.


Solid 4

It’s there but not going to do it
Not today satin


Booze: 0
Processed Sugar: 8 - but I’m hanging in there so far by eating some fruit. My worst time is after dinner urges, and it’s still early afternoon.

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