Your Favorite Places

I like to explore new places locally and abroad, but I like to explore places that are not well known tourist locations, you know, the hidden gems! So, let’s share our hidden gems!

What is your favorite place locally?

What is your favorite place abroad (other city, state, country, continent etc)?

Add pics for bonus points.


Local: Chiwawa River (Leavenworth Washington)

Abroad: Yosemite California


This little hidden gem is off the beaten track and doesnt get mobbed with tourists, it’s a big hike up hill them you stumble across High dam lake district UK, stunning…

The top photo is from Google and bottom me and my boy swimming last summer.


That looks amazing!

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I like the look of the Chiwawa river those trees are so grand and majestic.

Locally? I just love everything about Ottawa. A little bit city and a little bit small town. Museums and parks. Pathways along the Ottawa River or the Rideau Canal. There really is nothing bad about Ottawa…well maybe the butt-fuck (pardon my language) cold winters…but then we can go ice skating on the canal so it’s not TOO bad.

Abroad? Always Paris!! The entire state of Arizona is pretty awesome too…but if I ever have to choose it will always be Paris.


I’d like to explore Canada, but I had a DUI and they wont let me in :sob:. My daughter wants to go to Banff one of these days, don’t ask why…

You know, I’ve lived here my whole life and never once been to Chelan. I’d love to go, looks beautiful, especially the north western side. Maybe I’ll take a weekend and just go, pack a cooler and my hammock and see where the road takes me.

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You know, I know Banff is amazing, but it’s kinda silly because I’ve never taken time to actually see it. I’ve driven right on by so many times taking it for granted. Road-tripped across the Rockies every summer as a kid to visit my grandparents on the prairies.

I love it here so much and it really bums me out that the DUI puts it off the table for you. Any idea how long you have to wait before you can apply for deemed rehabilitation?

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Abroad: apart from Florence (the only place I feel at home), I would say Iceland.
The people, the culture, the food, the nature (well, if one doesn’t expect to see forests :-))… everything.

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(but not a great place to visit if you want to stay sober)

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