Zumba: The Dramatic Kill

Who knew playing zumba and just dance on a wii would make you feel like shit for using? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: god I’m out of shape. Staying sober can’t be nearly as hard as the dance moves in Lollipop by Mika. That’s the hope. :rofl::ok_hand: just counting down every hour before I go to sleep so I can hit day 5 already. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


I had a wii a long time ago, it was a blast!


I got one a couple months ago because when I was younger we couldn’t afford one, so I thought hey I’m trapped in quarantine, lets make some dreams come true. My boyfriend gives me so much shit about the old technology but honestly the nostalgia alone is enough for me :revolving_hearts::rofl::ok_hand: