Books on getting sober

Any recommendations for good books on getting sober??
I have the audible for ‘The Naked Mind’ which is worth a listen/ read in my opinion.
I want to fill my head with as much knowledge on getting sober as possible :heart:


My 2 faces at the moment are Living Sober and Russell Brand’s Recovery

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Hey thanks.
I apologise ,I did not realise there was already a couple of threads on this subject. 8 haven’t been very active on here for a while.

I have been wondering about the Russell Brand one. Is it hard hitting ?positive? How would you describe it?

The threads are old but still contain the info you seek. No need to apologize

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I’ve nearly finished ‘my naked mind’ and it’s DEFINITELY worth a listen/read and is helping me loads. I would like to know of any more books too.


Try Blackout. It’s just the story of a woman and her crazy blackout escapades. And finally deciding she can’t drink. It hit me pretty hard.

It’s good to see you back pal:)

I’m currently reading recovery by Russel Brand. Too early for a real review yet, but I will keep you posted. I wrote down the other books, thanks for recommending :slight_smile:

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It’s a creative way of doing the steps. He’s been through a lot but it’s good to hear the humour in our shared experiences.


Awww thanks so much Gabe :slight_smile:

I just downloaded one called ‘The unexpected Joy of being sober’. Sounds positive but I haven’t started it yet. I will let you know if it’s worth a read.